NoName [OP]November 3, 2023

It's hardly surprising that a remote place where there is nowhere else to run to, and there isn't traditional law enforcement that men are behaving like this.

I think it's also what accounts for sexual violence against women in times of war. Men see there aren't going to be any consequences, so they do whatever they feel like. 59% of women working on this base have experienced sexual harassment.

The NSF (National Science Foundation) is doing little to help these women. It reminds me of a story a coworker told me. She was working for the Peace Corps in Africa. One woman was raped by another Peace Corp volunteer and she was told that she needed a break and they put her back on a plane to the USA. The rapist carried on where he was at. She never got any justice.

VestalVirginNovember 4, 2023

This is exactly why I think any man who is pro anarchy is an asshole and any woman who is for anarchy is an idiot.

When there's no law enforcement, men rape.

And of course, commit all other crimes.

This is why, in the olden days, the captain of a ship had the right to dish out punishment, and why military officers can sentence soldiers to death during war.

Men can never be too far away from an authority who makes consequences for their behaviour happen.

Women are naturally cooperative, and do not usually commit crimes that require physical punishment. (A petty thief, you can deal with without bringing law enforcement into it. In an isolated space like a polar station, once you know who the thief is, you just demand that the stolen goods be given back. They are not, after all, going anywhere ...)

But men ... are not really suited for that kind of situation.