So the disgusting beasts are doing what Daesh did to the Yazidi girls and women. I would express what I hope happens to Hamas and other depraved scum... but it wouldn't be humane.
"Its not rape, it's rapesistence!!"
For real, anyone who still thinks Palestine is the victim in this conflict is delusional at this point (or just a rape apologist). THIS shit is what happens when Palestinians win! THIS is what they would do to every female in Israel if they took over in the region!
Adi Arad, an actress and singer who has been active on behalf of the hostages, told Tuesday’s hearing that the mother of one of the hostages asked her if it was possible to send abortion pills to Gaza via the Red Cross.
Unfortunately, I don't trust the Red Cross to do anything to help those women. They're more likely to join in the rapes than offer hostages medical care
“We may find ourselves here in a few months in the Knesset holding discussions that I don’t want to think about,” said MK Shelly Tal Meron (Yesh Atid), one of the organizers of the hearing.
“It could be discussions on terminating pregnancies in the coming months. It could be discussions with the rabbinate about the religion of the babies who may be born here or there. It could be about the legal standing of these babies who may be born,” Tal Meron said, arguing that it was imperative to prevent this.
I hope no female hostage has to deal with a pregnancy. And, if she does, that the Israeli hospital doesn't bother with the abortion interrogation (normally, an Israeli woman has to state a reason to a medical board before she can get an abortion)
This is the same Red Cross that told the hostage families that they should "think of the Palestinians". I hope all the families suing them win.
These two quotes made me sickest:
“I felt as if the girls in captivity were my daughters. The terrorists bring inappropriate clothes, clothes for dolls and turn the girls into their dolls. Dolls on a string with which you can do whatever you want, whenever you want,”
"Some of the women who remain in Gaza have stopped getting their periods, Chen Goldstein Almog, who was released alongside three of her four children during the ceasefire, said during Tuesday’s hearing.
'Maybe that’s what we should be praying for, that it’s the body protecting itself so that, God forbid, they will not be able to get pregnant,' she said." This is how much Israel respected the work that their female soldiers were doing.
imagine reading hostage testimony and still finding a way to make it about Israel doing something wrong. Insanity
The sexist macho men ignored the clear warnings of these women. If they had been heeded, it is very possible that no attack would have taken place, or would not been nearly so successful, and maybe no hostages would have been taken and 27000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, would still be alive.
Israel needs to get the hostages back.
Hamas obviously doesn't care about the bombardment.
Why doesn't Israel cease fire?
It's appalling that they are letting this happen to their own.
Or do they expect the barbarians to be kind to the hostages while their city is being bombarded?
Both sides are willing to sacrifice their own for some political agenda. Such is war.
Why doesn't Israel cease fire?
What good would that do? And what alternative would you suggest? For Netanyahu to cease all military action and sing kumbaya? You think violent rapists can be reasoned with?
Or do they expect the barbarians to be kind to the hostages while their city is being bombarded?
Do you not remember the events of 10/7? These barbarians aren't going to change their rapey, violent ways no matter what Israel does. Hamas doesn't want peace. They want to destroy all Israelis/Jews
One of the hostages also testified that they gave her an Islamic name and forced her to wear a headscarf and pray. So there's an extra helping of Islamic imperialism going on as well as sexual and psychological abuse.
The amount of people who have said that this kind of behaviour is justified is sickening (and racist, tbh, because insisting these poor little brown men can't help themselves is setting a lower bar than I ever thought possible), and I also can't help but remember all the people who have either continued to deny everything, or mocked the hostages in various ways whilst claiming to be on the "right side of history".
Islamists like Hamas/ISIS/Taliban/Houthis/Iran will continue to enact violence on all women because the world either turns a blind eye or actively cheers them on. I already knew why Judaism was traditionally passed on through matrilineal heritage but I never thought I would see that reasoning in action (granted, I've witnessed white supremacists yelling rape threats at Jewish women). That said, I hope that none of the hostages become pregnant. I can't imagine how much extra trauma that would bring them.