Rape or Sexual AbuseWWE CEO Vince McMahon Accused of Sex Trafficking by WWE Staffer He Paid to Keep Quiet
Posted January 26, 2024 by RusticTroglodyte in NameTheProblem

Warning: This article includes descriptions of explicit, horrifying sexual exploitation, rape and abuse. It's very graphic. Please take care of yourself

In a lawsuit filed Thursday, former WWE employee Janel Grant has accused CEO Vince McMahon of sex trafficking and horrific sexual abuse and assault.


Like a lot of women here, I keep a close eye on this kind of crime. I'm a survivor of CSA myself and not much shocks me anymore. While I am a fan of WWE, I wasn't under any impression that Vince McMahon was a good person or anything, but these allegations are sickening.

My heart breaks for this woman for many reasons, but the fact that both her parents died and she found herself without a job, depressed and hopeless just kills me because I've been in that exact position. It is so lonely and leaves you so extremely vulnerable.

Not to mention, the majority of WWE fans and "Vinny Mac" worshippers are men and boys and I know that they're going to rip this woman apart on social media. She will probably be forced into hiding bc some of these fans are obsessive. And we all know how men react to their heroes being accused of sexual assault.

Just a reminder to lurkers that in 96% of rape and sexual abuser accusations, the woman or girl is telling the truth. And according to https://evawintl.org/best_practice_faqs/false-reports-percentage/ that number can go as low as 2%.

Not believing a woman is not just misogynistic, it's fucking stupid. Statistics don't lie.

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