Some of those attitudes sounds like people have been influenced by the manosphere and incel logic.
Compliance is not consent. Women utilize many strategies to save their lives or save themselves from serious physical assault during rape and sexual assault.
Why is the issue of consent to sex never taught?
When I was a young woman I didn't realize that a man getting a woman drunk and then coercing her to have sex was rape.
Consent needs to be taught to all young people. What constitutes rape needs to be taught to all young people.
This study would also be more informative if the respondents answers were broken down by sex.
I agree. I remember in the early 00s in high school - we had many a lesson about not getting blackout drunk/passing out in a bedroom at a party; because we would inevitably be raped by one of the guys there.
I do not remember even one time anyone mentioning to the guys in class that it is WRONG and RAPE to have sex with someone who’s unconscious. I remember it just being “assumed” - but there’s no way the guys interpreted it that way. They definitely must have heard, “if a girl gets that drunk - you’re good”.
It’s possible some of the more high profile “party rape” cases of the time were brought up - but those were always being argued about in court and on tv as to whether it was “really” rape.
Again, gotta give the teachers the benefit of the doubt - they might have assumed it was obvious?
Though yeah, if there were cases like that being argued in court, a teacher ought to have mentioned that, yes, obviously that is rape.
To be honest, I wouldn't have thought you needed to teach people that doings things to people that they don't want you to do to them is still bad when you can do them because the person is drunk.
Like, I don't need to taught that a guy who got drunk on my couch doesn't want to be thrown out of a third story window, have drain cleaner poured over his head, or be given an elaborate tattoo on his face.
I might think that he possibly might want a tattoo, cause hey, some people do, but I would ask him while he's sober.
It isn't rocket science?
I feel like women who don't get that must have had their boundaries eroded pretty bad before, and men who don't get that ... are rapists. And liars. They do know it is wrong, they just don't admit it.
Perhaps men need to be taught that a woman who leads them into her bedroom and takes off all her clothes might still not want them to put their dick into her vagina, like, there's some room for misunderstandings there, but getting drunk?
I mean. "You went into my tattoo shop and bared your arm and told me you liked that drawing of a dragon I have in the shop window, and didn't say anything when started getting my equipment ready, so I thought you wanted a dragon tattoo", is kinda reasonable, yeah?
But "You passed out drunk in front of my tattoo shop, so I assumed you wanted a dragon tattoo on your face" ... that would never hold water in court, and no one would try.
I came of age in the 1980s. In popular movie culture there were date rape scenes that nobody thought anything about.
This was in a movie and it wasn't considered a crime.
You’re totally right , and I loved you example. 😂 Except in your example the person who ends up with a dragon tattoo on their face is a full human, an independent agent. The problem is that men barely perceive women as full humans and independent agents even when the woman is sober. And even more so when a woman is drunk, she’s seen as an object. And the fact that she can’t consent while drunk makes a lot of men more aroused- many men love having masturbatory sex with a female-shaped object but would hate having sex with a full human who is an equal to them in their mind. That’s why in many ancient patriarchal legal systems, rape is a crime of property damage against the father or husband. Ugh, it’s depressing to think about and another mental note to myself to never trust men.
Half of young adults? Hm, I wonder how many of them have a penis.
Either all the males in that demographic are rapists, or only half the males are, and half the women think it's okay for men to rape them.
I am not sure which is more depressing.
A bitter pill for me was hearing that prosecutors of rape cases often prefer male jurors because female jurors are much harder on the victim.
I guess it makes sense from the perspective that most men don't want to see themselves as rapists. So, when they hear of a man they have no reason to cover for do something that counts as rape, they're not so inclined to make excuses for him ("I would never..."). Meanwhile, women want to think they would never be so stupid as to "get themselves" raped, so they're looking for all the things the victim did wrong. And not fighting back likely counts as the wrong way to respond to rape in their minds.