Posted February 3, 2024 by ptittle in NameTheProblem

Ever since that movie featuring Michael J. Fox that portrayed and thus revealed (for the first time, for me, at least) the prevalence of war-time rape, I've been trying to understand it.

It’s not just an enthusiastic spillover of violence and aggression. The act of sexual intercourse is too specific, too far removed from the other acts of wartime violence and aggression. Shooting a person twenty-five times instead of once or twice would be such a spillover; forcing your penis or something else into a woman’s vagina is not. Furthermore, war rape is often not a spontaneous, occasional occurrence; apparently it’s quite premeditated and systematic.

And it’s not, or not just, a matter of ethnic cleansing. If men truly wanted to eradicate the other culture, (and if they believed ethnicity was genetic), they’d just kill the women along with the men. (Women ARE killed, but as I understand it, they’re usually raped first.) (Or, sometimes, after.) (And men are castrated, but not nearly as often as women are raped.)

And if they truly wanted to increase their own numbers, they’d hang around and see that the kid reached maturity. (Raped women are sometimes kept prisoner until the child is born – but unless the kid is subjected to specific and exclusive cultural conditioning, how is their purpose achieved? They’d have to look after the kids themselves for ten years.) (Which is unlikely.)

And it’s not, or not just, a property crime against the enemy. If men sought merely to destroy their enemy’s property, they’d, again, simply kill their women and children, along with their livestock, before or after they burned their houses. (Unless, of course, they wanted to confiscate their property – in which case, they’d enslave the women rather than rape them.)

So what is it? What can explain this peculiar practice of male soldiers forcing sexual intercourse with enemy civilian women? Some insight can be gained if we consider that for men, sexual intercourse is an act of conquest. But then we must ask, since one army of men conquers another, why don’t the soldiers rape each other as an act of conquest?

Perhaps men are so afraid of being considered homosexual, they rape the enemy women instead of the enemy men. (So only homophobia prevents men from raping enemy men? Note the vested interest women have, then, in discouraging homophobia: maybe then men would rape each other instead of us.)

Or perhaps the conquest involved is not that of one person over another, but that of one person over another’s property – and women are men’s property. And as long as conquest, rather than destruction, is the point, the property will be occupied, not destroyed. And in sexual intercourse, men literally occupy women’s bodies – they thus occupy the enemy’s property.

But all of this is nothing new. One might persist, however, and ask how men can continue to regard women as property when legal and economic conditions no longer support that interpretation. The answer lies in attending not to the ownership part of property, but to the inanimate part of property: to be property is to be a thing.

Men do not, clearly, consider us equals – otherwise, we would be the enemy, not the enemy’s property. And they’d kill us as they do the men (or they’d rape the men as they do us) (well, except for the homophobia bit).

They don’t even consider us inferior human beings, as, say, children. Children are either spared or ignored. (Or, increasingly, drafted.)

We aren’t even considered (non-human) animals. They too are either spared or ignored. (Or just killed.)

We belong to some special category – that of cunt: we are a vagina, and sometimes a uterus; we are a sexual body part, a sort of subhuman thing. Rape is not so much impersonal as apersonal. It’s no coincidence that one protests, or tries to escape, rape by claiming the characteristics of personhood: you’re hurting me! (sentience); I have a name! (identity); I have a life! (interests). (One might also wonder how the husbands and fathers can renounce their raped wives and daughters – don’t they recognize it was against their will? But of course not: subhumans don’t have will, don’t have volition.)

Greer once said something like women have no idea how much men hate them. To be hated would be a step up. I say women have no idea how much men fail to see them as anything but their sex. On the basketball court, playing with a bunch of high school boys, a pick by me is not just a pick: it’s a pick by a girl, and so it elicits extra humiliation and anger, it elicits shame and rage. And the next time I set a pick, the boy aggressively plows me out of the play. In the university classroom, teaching to male students, a critique of an argument is not just a critique: it’s a challenge to one’s masculinity, and so it elicits strong defensive action. Complaints are made to the Dean. And a suggestion to a colleague, a male colleague, is not just a suggestion: it’s a woman telling a man what to do, and so at best it’s not taken seriously. (At worst, it too is taken as a challenge.) It’s certainly not accepted. Thus our agency in, our interaction with, half the world is denied. Men’s insistent perception of us as female limits us, because to be female precludes being a person.

Such a perception may indeed be irrational – and the consequent behaviour, such as rape, may indeed be primitive and/or pathological. But it is, nevertheless, their perception, and women would be wise to understand that. (Even more wise would be that the men understand it: for enlightenment, or, in the meantime, imprisonment, is surely not going to be brought about by anything we subhumans do.)

Postscript, Sep29/13: “…I’m at the very least boosting Guard morale. It’s an historically proven tactic, Zeldin. That’s why rape has always been a part of every war.” Alanya to Alanya, L. Timmel Duchamp (p.195) So it’s just a morale booster? Wow. It’s all worse than I thought.


proudcatladyFebruary 3, 2024

They like it. It turns them on. This is what they are. It’s not deep.

tahmahrahFebruary 3, 2024

It's simple, really.

In war, the rules go out the window. So they do it because they can.

If you want to dig a little deeper, and ask yourself why they event want to in the first place, the answer is just as simple: because they like it

Because they enjoy the sex, and most cases, the sadistic domination.

They enjoy it because they, at best, see women as sexual objects to be used and then disposed of.

Why do they dispose of us? Simple logistics. Once the deed is done enough times, the goods have lost their "freshness" and now the spent object is an inconvenient burden. Or worse, a witness.

War is just the perfect catalyst, is all. War rape, regular rape, the only difference is the rate and concentration at which it happens.

War rapists are just normal rapists with the gloves off. War dissolves the social contrace.

War rapists/rapists would do the same exact thing if the government did a Purge-style scenario where they legalize crime for, say, a day, a week, a month, a year.

The only change might be in specialized cases of ethnic cleansing or psychological warfare. But those would be the minority, as most men only think as far as their c*cks end.

But war rape, like all rape, mostly happens because they want to get themselves off, and the women and girls are ripe for the taking and unable to fight back.

The best of the rapists just do it as a sort of cathartic release from their rage, self-hate, etc.

The worst of them do it because they find pleasure in the agony and terror and domination they inflict on the victims.

Usually there's a blend of the two.

In all cases, none of them have any true regard for us as full human beings.

Except maybe for some of the bad ones, where the control of a human being is the point.

WatcherattheGatesFebruary 3, 2024

Yes to all you have said. But there is more. Rape is, tactically, the quickest way to clear a territory. Start raping women, and the news spreads fast. Women will flee--taking the children and the elderly with them. Whole communities can be quickly displaced in this way. And then there's the children of rape angle, where you've impregnated women of the enemy with 'your' seed, meaning the entire enemy lineage has been violated and sullied--forever.

But, yes, to the other point you raise, the very fact that women are in reality full human beings is utterly galling to a sizeable percentage of men. At the root of it is womb envy--their primal wound.

ptittle [OP]February 3, 2024

I dunno ... Surely the mere presence of 'the enemy' would clear the area?

Good point re sullying, though. That would also explain why the men then reject the raped women and resulting children. Sigh.

somegenerichandleFebruary 3, 2024

I've seen before it being a morale boost or even an incentive to join. Think of the comfort women or the Lebensborn system. Even their own women they use as incentives.

ptittle [OP]February 3, 2024

And what's really horrifying is that the men do not see a problem with the chance to hurt someone as boosting their morale. (And/or do not consider rape as hurting someone.) I mean, seriously, how sick ARE they?

PointerFebruary 3, 2024

I think evolution equipped men with a "rape program" that gets activated in times of war, because that trait would clearly be selected for. Your tribe conquers another tribe, you kill all their men and children, and you impregnate all their women. Your tribe's genes prevail. It doesn't have to be any more complicated than that.

[Deleted]February 3, 2024(Edited February 3, 2024)

Seconded. Also, rape of enemy men and children absolutely occurs (and far more frequently than the OP seems to imply - the amount of reporting on these crimes are shoddy for a number of reasons).

That being said, women are the primary demographic for rape because women are most men's (given that they are both heterosexual and interested in adults) primary sexual interest. War is a vulnerable time, which men can use to their advantage and rape women with fewer risks of consequence (due to the women's enemy status). At the end of the day, humans are animals. Our job is to propagate our genes. Rape is a sexual strategy (albeit a disgusting one) that has been deployed throughout human history and in every other animal species. The end (a baby) justifies the means (the rape). Of course, these men may not consciously want a child, but men's intrinsic drives which strongly direct their behavior do not necessarily align with their conscious wants.

Laws and cultural moors (which can bring about unsavory consequences for non-compliant men) can help keep men in line in society (and change some hearts and minds regarding rape), but men by and large will always act in their self interest in circumstances where they enjoy a great degree of impunity like war. You can observe a similar phenomenon in societies where women have limited educational opportunities and are shoved out of public life. Or in viewing how certain men with insane amounts of power and money treat women.

Some men absolutely hate women in an absolutely vicious, unfathomable way. But many simply view women through the lens of their own self-interest: can she be useful to me (for sex)? Not all men disclaimer, of course, but I think many women get caught up in finding a grand psychological answer to the question of "why" when the answer's pretty cut and dry.

QueenofdogsFebruary 4, 2024

I agree with this as well. Just as male animals mate with the females of a conquered groups, human males do the same. Of course, being human should mean they have the morals and the ability to suppress their primal instincts, but men don't tend to have as good a hold over their animal instincts as women do

PointerFebruary 4, 2024

Living with their own tribe men have an incentive to play nice and work together for the common good. Everyone collectively agrees on restraining certain behaviors. The group survives better if the group agrees that men should not get to rape women who "belong to" other men in the group, because it means the men will not be fighting each other about that, and they can turn their attention elsewhere, to things that help the group survive.