Woo yay, we now have a man calling for the shooting of a woman who opposes him. TEAM AMERICA FUCK YEAH. And nobody will hold him accountable, because men in his position of power and wealth get away with everything. Everyone here who would vote for him before will still vote for him, because At leAST hE kNows whAt a WoMan iS (of course he does, how else would he know who to grab and insult and assault).
Seriously. It's like being an Orthodox Christian Atheist. It doesn't compute LOL
I'm an Orthodox Christian atheist actually. Born into an Orthodox family and baptized when I was 6 months old. Stopped believing the god of the Bible (or any gods) existed when I was about 13. I still participate in family events that center around our Orthodox church and accompany my parents to services. It's the same thing as being an atheist Jew. Culturally I'm Orthodox, but I don't believe that god exists, Jesus was raised from the dead, etc.