Rape or Sexual AbuseEvolutionary psychology and the rape gene theory.
Posted January 5, 2025 by memyselfandi31yrs in NameTheProblem

Can the propensity to commit violence including sexual violence be caused by biological, environmental or a combination of both factors?

There is a book written by randy Thornhill titled, the biological bases of sexual coercion. There even was a newsweek article titled, can we blame our bad behavior on stone age genes? Exploring randy thornhills rape gene theory in the book. I believe that certain traits are inherited. Things like temperament and personality are about 60 percent inherited/hereditary. I think patriarchy does influence male behavior, and I think the root of all misogyny is due to males not caring about women's suffering. With regard to the rape gene theory, I do think things like internal self regulation, or impulse control is influenced by genes.

I will suggest here a book titled, determined: a science of life without free will by neuroscientist Robert sapolsky, for those interested in learning about how biology influences thought and behavior.

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