SonnetFebruary 10, 2025

But TRAs tell me the only choices are either self-ID or invasive genital checks for all.

Cheek swabs, you say? Imagine that.

NastasyaFillipovnaFebruary 11, 2025

In pro sports even genital checks are part of normal medical screenings

RiothamusFebruary 11, 2025

It's true even for middle school and high school sports. Boys get checked for hernias for liability reasons before any league allows them to play.

NastasyaFillipovnaFebruary 11, 2025

So that means atleast some people who report to Olympics regulators actually checked Imane Khelif, and cleared him to fight

EavaFebruary 11, 2025

Imane Khelif most likely has external genitalia that appears to be a vulva.

NastasyaFillipovnaFebruary 11, 2025

So it's that XY chromosome but undescended testicles anomaly?

DaphneFebruary 11, 2025(Edited February 11, 2025)

Don't they have to pee in front of a doc as well, to make sure the urine sample they provide for doping tests is really theirs?

EternalDarkBlueFebruary 11, 2025

honestly I've thought this as well, don't most athletes have to go through medical assessments anyways? I understand they try drumming up the drama by focusing on k-12 sports, but at the collegiate and professional levels I'd imagine women have to get blood work and gyno exams anyway right? They're always acting like there's no way to know except perverse and dystopian GeNiTaL cHeCkS but a simple visit to the gyno is all it takes.

mathloverFebruary 10, 2025

The larping men seemed to be hoping for those "genital inspections".

real_feministFebruary 10, 2025(Edited February 10, 2025)

It was more about them getting off by threatening women with that.

CattitudeFebruary 11, 2025

TIMs also want to force women to handle their penises.

EternalDarkBlueFebruary 11, 2025

and we know this for a fact by the way they incessantly spam their maleness and girldick (uwu) in lesbian spaces lol.

CattitudeFebruary 11, 2025


asmahanFebruary 11, 2025

Well, she didn't specify which direction the rape was happening in the fantasy

CattitudeFebruary 10, 2025

Of course. It's all part of their rape fantasies.

CharliXXFebruary 11, 2025

they heard girls like "manifesting" and went to town

SadeyedladyFebruary 11, 2025

I know I’m echoing everyone else who commented, but just adding to the chorus: wow, no genital checks needed, huh??? IMAGINE THAT

crodishFebruary 11, 2025


real_feministFebruary 10, 2025

Coe said on Monday: “While our current eligibility regulations for DSD and transgender athletes are robust and based on the science available at the time of our last consultation, several scientific developments in this field have emerged since then and it is our role, as the global governing body for athletics, to ensure that our guidelines keep up with the latest information available to maintain a fair and level playing field in the female category.

What scientific developments? People seeing through the bullshit is not what I would call a scientific development. This feels like an attempt to save face.

vulvapeopleFebruary 11, 2025(Edited February 11, 2025)

IIRC, there have been some recent studies showing that even pre-puberty, boys have an advantage, which implies that XYs who haven't gone through male puberty also have an advantage.

OneStarWolfFebruary 11, 2025

This is true. We’ve heard Jazz Jennings himself talk about how he was the best athlete on the girl’s sports teams all the time. They know. Born male, stay male. The advantage is baked in from birth. I’m so tired of fetish obsessed males trying to pretend or claim otherwise (fuck you, Dr Upton).

EternalDarkBlueFebruary 11, 2025

It's actually sick how they'll deny objective and obvious reality. Most women, whether through light wrestling with their brothers, boyfriends, etc. know that they're stronger than us... it's a very common realization that most women face, to realize "damn, this dude is actually way stronger than me & could easily overpower me, wtf". Men literally rub it in our faces constantly, from recess bullying to actual physical violence they regularly inflict on us. and yet, somehow this demographic has managed to distort reality to the point where now even regular incel males are constantly acting like they don't get women's widespread fear of men, to the point they think women choosing the bear is MiSaNdRy. i'm very ready for this male-centered psy-op to be over. males being oppressive is nothing new but now it's to the point they're literally lying to our faces and the T didn't help in recruiting gullible women into believing the nonsense too under the guise of being kind.

CrimsonSoleilFebruary 11, 2025

“ several scientific developments in this field”

Called “looking,” “observing,” “being sober”

EternalDarkBlueFebruary 11, 2025

as well as no longer being afraid of having a spine, which they've been shaming women out of doing under the threat of "cancellation" and accusations of bigotry.

DaphneFebruary 11, 2025

Guess someone finally commissioned that study to show that the sun sets in the west and water is wet...

ArtemisCitrineFebruary 11, 2025

the test checks for the SRY gene ' which is almost always on the Y chromosome.'

Just to be picky, is there any male DSD that would get past this test?

HildegardVonBeesFebruary 11, 2025

According to Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex-determining_region_Y_protein), there are two possibilities where the SRY gene is not on the Y chromosome: (1) Swyer Syndrome, where the SRY gene is on X instead of Y, and (2) XX Male Syndrome, where the individual has XX, and one of those has an SRY gene attached.

The article also notes that, in the past, having an SRY gene did not automatically disqualify athletes:

One of the most controversial uses of this discovery was as a means for sex verification at the Olympic Games, under a system implemented by the International Olympic Committee in 1992. Athletes with an SRY gene were not permitted to participate as females, although all athletes in whom this was "detected" at the 1996 Summer Olympics were ruled false positives and were not disqualified. Specifically, eight female participants (out of a total of 3387) at these games were found to have the SRY gene. However, after further investigation of their genetic conditions, all these athletes were verified as female and allowed to compete. These athletes were found to have either partial or full androgen insensitivity, despite having an SRY gene, making them externally phenotypically female.

ProxyMusicFebruary 11, 2025(Edited February 11, 2025)

That Wikipedia article is extremely inaccurate, though.

All of the athletes in women's competition who underwent the mandatory DNA sex testing at the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta and were found to have the "testis determining" SRY gene actually did have the SRY gene. None "were ruled false positives" like Wikipedia claims.

A more accurate account would read something like this:

Eight athletes (out of a total of 3387) who sought eligibility to compete in women's events at the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta were found to have the SRY gene, but after further investigations all were deemed eligible and allowed to compete.

Further investigations determined that one of the eight athletes with the SRY gene who competed in women's competition at the 1996 Summer Olympics had 5-alpha-reductase deficiency, aka 5-ARD, the same DSD that Caster Semenya has.

The other seven athletes with the SRY gene who competed in women's events at the Atlanta Games in 1996 had forms of Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome or AIS. Four had Partial Androgen Sensitivity Syndrome (PAIS); three had Complete Androgen Sensitvity Syndrome (CAIS).

AIS and 5-ARD are disorders/differences in sex development found only males, or male-only DSDs. Females can and often do have the same exact genetic mutations that cause AIS and 5-ARD, but these mutations and their downstream consequences do not have any impact on female sex development.

Most persons with AIS and 5-ARD have a 46, XY karoytpe, the standard sex chromosome pattern found in the vast majority of males.

Six of the eight athletes with male DSDs cleared to compete in women's events at the 1996 summer Olympic Games in Atlanta had already had their testes removed at some point prior to the Games. So obviously at least six of the athletes with the SRY gene already knew their sex before they underwent sex testing conducted by the the IOC at the Atlanta Games. Presumably the six who had surgeries to remove their testes also already knew the name and specific nature of their DSDs

DiabolicalPrairieDogFebruary 11, 2025

Assuming the sequencing primers are within the SRY gene itself, the chromosomal location of the gene shouldn't impact it's ability to be detected. But I agree that the presence of an SRY gene might not be considered enough to disqualify an athlete...

ProxyMusicFebruary 11, 2025

But the presence of the SRY gene is enough to trigger further investigations to determine the athlete's actual sex and health status.

The sex testing focusing on the SRY gene will either clear athletes for particpation, or it will identify athletes who need to undergo further investigations and/or provide explanations. The athletes who "fail" the SRY test won't be automatically declared ineligible on the spot; they'll be granted due process, with specific steps to follow to insure that everything is on the up and up and everyone gets treated fairly.

Anti-doping testing works similarly. When the anti-doping tests done on the urine and blood sample of athletes in elite competition reveal that an athlete in the women's category has unusually high levels of testosterone, the athlete isn't accused of doping right off the bat. The athlete is subjected to further testing and questioning. The first thing female athletes are required to do in this situation is take a pregnancy test...

VestalVirginFebruary 10, 2025

I don't understand - why would they do cheek swabs on (DSD) males in women's sport when they already know those are males? Just keep them out?

Wouldn't the cheek swabs be for women in the women's category, to ascertain that they are, indeeed, women?

sylviasmushroomsFebruary 10, 2025

Imane Khelif and his family insisted that he was born and raised as a girl, and a lot of people got very hung up on this and wouldn’t look past it to the obvious conclusion that, you know, sometimes people make mistakes?

Imane Khelif’s dad might well have thought he was a whole lady. Great. That doesn’t change the fact that he’s almost certainly not.

If you thought you paid for something, but didn’t, you still stole. If you thought you were high-fiving someone but they didn’t reciprocate, you still hit them in the face. If you thought you were a girl because everyone said your weenis was too small to be male, you’re still male.

NastasyaFillipovnaFebruary 11, 2025

Imane Khelif's case could have peaked masses if you looked at his homecoming pics after Olympics. They were carrying him on their shoulders, which they would never do to a female. They know what he is

CrimsonSoleilFebruary 11, 2025

Absolutely. Including photos of him jogging in shirts and a tank top, something a woman would never do in a Muslim country.

sylviasmushroomsFebruary 11, 2025

I peaked my ex-incel friend, Harold, with Khelif. I pointed out how his coaches were slapping him on the chest and letting him straddle their shoulders, and asking if they would have done that with a woman in their culture.

He was like “Shit, you’re right”

a_shrubFebruary 11, 2025

and a lot of people got very hung up on this and wouldn’t look past it to the obvious conclusion that, you know, sometimes people make mistakes?

This with the hypocrisy that all the sexes assigned to people who want to be something else were obviously done in error of their True Authentic soul gender feelings.

real_feministFebruary 10, 2025(Edited February 10, 2025)

It sounds like they are going to swab everyone who wants to enter the women's competition. I believe the goal is to catch men - with or without DSDs - who are pretending to be women.

EavaFebruary 10, 2025

It is a really bad headline, all athletes who wish to compete in elite women's events will now be tested. "All track and field athletes wishing to compete in the elite women’s category will be required to prove they are biologically female via a cheek swab under new rules set to be adopted by the sport." This way there are no issues of athletes showing up to competitions and being disqualified, no "stealth" DSD athletes getting to the world stage.

worried19February 11, 2025

It's also kinder to the individuals who have DSDs and may not be aware of them. It would suck to make it to a competition and then be disqualified. That's two huge pieces of bad news at once.

EavaFebruary 11, 2025(Edited February 11, 2025)

I agree, although I have an incredibly difficult time believing any woman makes it to an elite competition, usually they're at least 18 years old or at least well past puberty, and has never questioned why they never started menstruating. If they're competing at these levels, they're tested for doping and they know their Testosterone levels are in the male range. People claim it is racism because DSD athletes from Africa are overrepresented, I think it is racism to say an 18 year old woman who has never gotten her period and knows her T levels are in the male range can't understand there may be something physically wrong with her and she needs a full medical work up.

ProxyMusicFebruary 11, 2025(Edited February 11, 2025)

People claim it is racism because DSD athletes from Africa are overrepresented, I think it is racism to say an 18 year old woman who has never gotten her period and knows her T levels are in the male range can't understand there may be something physically wrong with her and she needs a full medical work up.

And that's not the only reason these claims of racism are themselves racist.

Those making the claims of racism don't just assume that black athletes from Africa are themselves too dense and clueless to grasp the significance of their lack of periods, their male testoserone levels and other physical signs that something's off - and too incurious, lazy and out of touch even to spnd five minutes consulting "Doctor Google." Those who claim racism in the case of black African XY DSD athletes like Caster Semenya, Francine Niyonsaba, Christine Mboma, Beatrice Masilingi and Barbra Banda are also assuming that no one in the sporting communites and national sport federations in the African nations that these DSD athletes come from has ever taken notice of the myriad ways that sex physically manifests in ace athletes and how sex affects nearly every aspect of performance in sports . And they also assume that no one in the sports world in Africa has ever heard of DSDs specifically.

But the reality is actually the opposite. The men who are in charge of sports in Africa are clever and crafty chaps who actually are very familiar with male DSDs. Which is why so many coaches, scouts and officials in certain African countries have made a point of scouring the countryside looking for XY DSD athletes like Semenya, Mboma and Masilngi they can try to pass of as girls/women and enter into elite international women's competion where they'll have an easy shot at winning and bringing home gold and glory to their countries of origin.

CrimsonSoleilFebruary 11, 2025

“ People claim it is racism because DSD athletes from Africa are overrepresented”

Is this true? Can you share some links? I’m very curious.

DaphneFebruary 11, 2025

IIRC it was suspected some countries were actively selecting for DSDs to gain an advantage and get more medals.

EavaFebruary 11, 2025(Edited February 11, 2025)

That is the first line of attack, it is racism because the sex of women of color is questioned because they don't meet white, western standards of beauty and femininity, women of color's bodies are "policed" in ways white women's bodies aren't.




spacykateFebruary 11, 2025

It has been their go to to accuse westerners of racism when questioning the validity of the qualifications of the dsd athletes. It’s only in countries without a really strong health system that it’s possible to claim that they are really girls, in counties where people see a doctor regularly the dsds are diagnosed and the claim that they are girls falls apart. So yes they are mainly from Africa but it’s only African counties that have so far pretended that these males are actually female. Tho I think at least one Latin American county fielded a man but they were of Afro descent so.

worried19February 11, 2025

It could also be a cultural thing. We're assuming that someone who might have been raised in a conservative village would know what's normal and what's not. Or even if they did suspect something wasn't normal, are they even aware of what it means to be intersex? I'm not talking about the Olympic level athletes, but the ones who may be entering the world stage for the first time.

I tend to think it's possible. I'm American, and up until I was about 19, I was worried I might be intersex. Even though I'd had puberty education, which I'm sure most of the girls from these villages don't get. I still thought I might have some kind of genital or chromosomal abnormality even though I started menstruating at the usual age.

EavaFebruary 11, 2025

I don't care how conservative a community a woman lives in, she knows about menstruation. In fact, it is probably a bigger deal in conservative communities because it means a girl is marriageable. I don't believe there is any woman who makes it to 18 without getting her period and doesn't know that something is not right and she needs a full medical work up. At least a pelvic exam, which would show she doesn't have a uterus or ovaries.

ArtemisCitrineFebruary 12, 2025

Why did you suspect you were intersex?

OnlyHumanFebruary 10, 2025

Just keep them out?

It makes it harder for them to argue

WatcherattheGatesFebruary 10, 2025

Fabulous news!!