Request re: Rule-Breaking Comments
Posted January 26, 2025 by proudcatlady in Ovarit

I have noticed that some communities on reddit do not delete rule-breaking comments. Instead, they lock that individual comment (meaning no one can reply to it) and then a mod replies to the comment stating that "This comment breaks Rule X."

Is this something any mods would be able or interested in trying here? Sometimes it is not always clear why a comment gets deleted, and even if it's my comment and the reason is sent via modmail/PM, it can be a bit confusing because it may not be in line with my understanding of the rules and I may not see the connection.

I think that perhaps if, at least in some cases, comments were left up and publicly shown to be against the rules, it would help all of us learn more about the spirit of the rules and be able to better follow them moving forward. I could see this being really helpful in understanding distinctions between circle rules too, since the site feels so small that sometimes it can be easy to forget that different circles have different rules.

I understand that doing this for every comment that needs to be removed may be unfeasible. But maybe if some circles did it, or even if it was just done on some comments whenever a mod felt it was appropriate or helpful, it could really help clarify how the rules are understood by the mods.

(This is not in response to anything specific. As a model user, I have not had a comment removed in a very long time (wink). Just something I was thinking about from being on reddit.)

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