How do I flair myself as Male?
Posted March 1, 2025 by XYWithProstate in Ovarit

I would unironically like to identify as male on here. I thought it was already visible on my profile or name or something to other users, but apparently not. Perhaps it's my caveman brain, but I can't find the option on my end if it exists. Thanks.


girl_undone [speaking as mod]March 1, 2025 - sticky

Flair is circle specific and not every circle enables personal flairs.

Under the Subscribe and Block buttons in the circle sidebar is an option to change your flair if available.

WokeuplateMarch 1, 2025

You don’t need a flair if you don’t post.

Elle_x_ohMarch 1, 2025(Edited March 1, 2025)

Are males welcome/needed here?

OnlyHumanMarch 1, 2025

There's nothing stopping men from joining, it's best to encourage them to flair so even if not all of them do it, it's more apparent and women can choose how to interact

steelwomanMarch 1, 2025

exactly. this is just a problem with online spaces, too...

i hope a flair wouldn't give a false sense of security. we can't always count on "no 'male' flair means this user is a woman".

but i agree, if mods think allowing men is best, then a constant flair tied to their profile is better than no flair at all, or variable flairs on different circles

WokeuplateMarch 1, 2025

No, they are not.

But site rules allow. I disagree with that particular rule and have posted it should be changed. Mods have responded with what I think are specious practical limitations to enacting a ban. But I respect and appreciate the work they do, and remain a financial supporter and devoted reader.

MobymaybeMarch 1, 2025

Same. I was downvoted when I stated men shouldn’t be here. They have everything else in the world, why come here? It’s my main gripe about the site.

notsofreshfeelingMarch 1, 2025

Banning them would only make more of them want in. It's in their nature.

XYWithProstate [OP]March 1, 2025

I'm sure we aren't "needed," but I believed men were welcome to participate in some circles. There are few places online to even discuss reality openly and it's truly insane how far this gender insanity has gone. I think our chances of defeating this garbage is greater if we work together, especially with more men aware of how fucked up certain things are.

There shouldn't be any LetWomenSpeak events being canceled due to weirdo men intimidating and battering gals when they try to gather. It's unreal to me seeing videos from the UK where this takes place. I think a lot of men are naturally in the dark about this, just like so many women still are. The fact this movement has essentially conquered so many pockets of the online space is truly scary. The inability to speak without self-censorship compromises our ability to strategize against it.

It's not enough to hope the powers that be right something so egregiously wrong here. This shit isn't an oversight, but a clear and purposeful war on reality. A legislative body doesn't write up and pass "let violent male rapists into women's prisons" laws on accident. I am trying, and failing, to get more of my friends to wake up speak out against this insanity.

I am hoping to put together meaningful campaigns to move the needle on something soon enough here. Ban me after we crush this insanity.

lezziebordenMarch 1, 2025

Personally I disagree with the replies saying you shouldn’t be here. Unfortunately the majority of authority figures in the world, the congress people and ceos and managers, are still men. It’s not a bad thing to allow men to participate in this forum, because the more people we can get on our side the more change can actually occur. If we ban men outright we limit the amount of people we can peak, people who might be in a position to make decisions in the real world. If a male poster starts taking up all the air in the forum or correcting women on their own experiences, then I think an immediate ban is warranted, because our voices should still be the most amplified here. But I think your comments seem respectful and supportive.

XYWithProstate [OP]March 1, 2025

It’s not a bad thing to allow men to participate in this forum, because the more people we can get on our side the more change can actually occur. If we ban men outright we limit the amount of people we can peak, people who might be in a position to make decisions in the real world

Right. I swear, a lot of men legitimately have no idea about this shit because tons of women don't.

If a male poster starts taking up all the air in the forum or correcting women on their own experiences, then I think an immediate ban is warranted, because our voices should still be the most amplified here.

Agreed. I definitely think a handful of mine have come close to resembling that recently, although not at all my intention. Ultimately, the board is for women, and causing annoyance isn't okay just because it's unintentional. I'm going to stop posting anything that might be misconstrued as that and lurk mostly since my presence is indeed a distraction.

Take care.

WokeuplateMarch 1, 2025

Or, you could go do your fine work somewhere else. You sound like the men who whine that they are “banned” from playing sports when they are not permitted on the women’s team. Men respecting women’s rights to set boundaries and create single sex spaces and forums is step one in crushing this insanity. Be the change you want to see in the world.

XYWithProstate [OP]March 1, 2025

What "fine work?" Being a normal human who recognizes how terrible this ideology is?

You sound like the men who whine that they are “banned” from playing sports when they are not permitted on the women’s team.

How so? By actively speaking out against males taking spots from women? By never going into women's bathrooms ever? I am not okay with weirdo men weaseling their way into sex-exclusive spaces and bullying women out of them. Many of us aren't. I'm not okay with women being referred to by deranged men as "non-trans women." I live in a state with literal serial killers of women in their prisons right now. Every day I rack my brain at how this has happened and alienate people I once considered to have integrity by repeatedly posting about it, asking why nobody else is as enraged as me?

Respectfully, weirdo men aren't going to suddenly respect your right to set boundaries. That's kind of the whole thing behind their actions and why we're in this spot to begin with. The little skirted placard on your door is only respected by these weirdos when they realize other men will do something about it. And it's harder when other men have no clue that this is even happening. I am not positioning myself as some hero. It's obvious men are the problem and men are the ones failing you. I don't want to dish and chat about RadFem shit or win you over as "one of the good ones." I want these fucking deranged lunatics out of your spaces, making a mockery of womanhood, and grooming little boys and girls right in front of us.

This is not a single-sex forum, even if you'd prefer it that way. I signed up declaring I was a male and posted that in my first post. I believed I had a flair that said it, too. If men aren't allowed, obviously I will leave, but lumping all of us in with the creeps in your bathrooms is odd. The change I wish to see is everyone on board with these men up and out of your spaces. If this isn't the place for me to contribute to that, I'll go shout into the void, I guess.


HEReticMarch 1, 2025

"especially with more men aware of how fucked up certain things are..."

More aware than who, exactly?

XYWithProstate [OP]March 1, 2025

Sorry, it should read:

I think our chances of defeating this garbage is greater if we work together, especially if we make more men aware of how fucked up certain things are.

My point is that many men are simply not aware of what's going on. And we care.

notsofreshfeelingMarch 1, 2025

I think he meant "more men aware than were aware before"?

OnlyHumanMarch 1, 2025

Only some circles allow flairs

If a circle allows a flair, in the sidebar it will say "your flair:" a little below the title near the subscriber count

XYWithProstate [OP]March 1, 2025

I saw that, but it just said my username. Hmmm...

[Deleted]March 1, 2025