I just sent JK Rowling an e-mail, asking her if she can help with enabling an archived version of Ovarit
Posted March 23, 2025 by AngrySloth in Ovarit

Edit 24th of march: I've got a reply from her office, saying she was unfortunately not able to help. It was expected, but now we know for sure!

I have just sent her an e-mail asking if she can help with the costs of running an archived version of Ovarit.

I don't know what @girl_undone thinks about this suggestion, I don't want to pester her or add more work to her burnout. So I've just CC'ed the ovarit admin e-mail, and hoping for the best. I know nothing about hosting or code. I don't know what the expenses would be or how laborsome it would be.

But I know that removing Ovarit completely will be a huge loss of public and free feminist and gender critical knowledge, and a documentation of WOMEN's effort to combat gender ideology and the harm it puts on girls and women - the feminists were right here, long time before male opportunists like Matt Walsh!!

I know that Girl_undone has done everything she can and more to keep the site running while keeping her own burnout at bay. I owe her my own sanity in this gender madness for building and running Ovarit.

My hope is that with the help of financial aid Girl_undone (or any of the users she trusts), can host an archived version of the site, where all member names has been wiped out, but all the posts, comments and discussions will stay public for a couple of years.

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