Click here for a list of all current circles where you may quickly subscribe or unsubscribe. Or visit a random circle if you're feeling adventurous.
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Here's a quick overview of Ovarit's current circles. Please read each circle's rules before posting.
Circles focused on the Ovarit site itself.
/o/Announcements - Announcements from the site admins
/o/Circles - Propose new circles
/o/Suggestions - Propose suggestions and features for the site
/o/Bugs - Report bugs and technical issues with the site
/o/Ovarit - General discussions and questions about the Ovarit site
Circles focused on collecting news articles, documentation and related discussions.
/o/GoodNewsForWomen - News stories that are positive for women
/o/WomensHistory - Historically notable women and women's contributions
/o/SaveWomensSports - Why women need their own sporting leagues, examples of men competing in women's sports, etc.
/o/Cancelled - Attempts to silence those speaking against gender ideology
/o/TerfIsASlur - Examples of the use of "TERF" as a slur
/o/ThisNeverHappens - News stories involving trans-identified male criminal offenders
/o/NameTheProblem - News stories of male violence
/o/ItsAFetish - Examples of fetishism (primarily autogynephilia) within the trans community
/o/TransLogic - Illogical and misogynistic things trans activists say or do
Circles focused on feminist topics.
/o/Activism - Calls to action
/o/FeministEvents - Feminist or women-oriented events
/o/FeministBooks - Discuss and share feminist books
/o/FeministVideos - Discuss and share feminist videos
/o/Radfemmery - Radfem memes and images
/o/AntiKink - Discuss BDSM, fetish, etc. from a feminist perspective
/o/GenderCritical - Discuss gender and transgender ideology/politics from a critical, feminist perspective
/o/WomensLiberation - General discussion of feminist topics
Circles focused around specific interests or groups.
/o/Books - Books of any subject/genre (except feminist books)
/o/Movies - Films of any subject/genre
/o/Television - TV shows of any genre (including documentaries)
/o/Games - Discuss all sorts of games (including video games, board games, pen and paper, tabletop, etc.)
/o/ArtsAndYarns - Discussing our artistic and crafty pursuits
/o/Gardening - Discussing plants, fungi, and slime mold
/o/Vegan - Feminists discussing veganism and vegan lifestyles
/o/Fitness - Women only fitness discussion
/o/WomensHealthLounge - Female only woman centered health support circle
/o/STEM - Discuss science, technology, engineering, maths, and medicine (including career advice and learning resources)
/o/DetransWomen - Female Detransitioner/Desister only experiences and support
/o/Lesbians - Lesbians only general discussion
/o/LovingWomen - Same-Sex Attracted Women only general discussion
/o/Women - Women only general discussion
Updated: January 24, 2021