Why were you wearing shoes in the first place? Didn't your father warn you that too much strenuous activity would cause your womb to fall out? It couldn't have rolled off if it hadn't already fallen out and it wouldn't have fallen out if you were pregnant in the kitchen. Shame on you. /s
Did you try calling it?
I call mine like I used to call my pigs to come eat
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#fellow womb carriers
i put my womb down for just a second to tie my shoe and the damn thing rolled off and i can't find it. anyone have any ideas? i left a bottle of pamprin under a box propped up by a stick but so far no luck there
you can try pretending there's a TiM nearby, it'll come out to LITERALLY MURDER him
Although, come to think of it...were there any TIM's driving around in a pastel colored windowless van?