I remember when I was a school girl in the eighties in the UK my history teacher said you know, this is the first time we've had both a female prime minister and head of state. My twelve or thirteen year old brain had just thought it normal up until that point. I do wonder if that's why feminism and Terfism is so prevalent in the UK.
Terf island is terfy bc your Trans got crazy first and got to make crazy policys first. now your island is doing a U-turn.I think it's a lovely U turn but Stonewall still has a lot of power. Corrected I confused Tavistock with Stonewall
Wonderful that Queen Liz ushered in three female PMs in her reign!
(not the best PMs and they're all tories, but at least we've had some women leaders)
Isn't Truss pretty good, and really good for feminism/pushback against a lot of male BS in the UK? I could be thinking of another politician there, but I thought that she had also done something with male violence
Yes but she is unscrupulous about increasing the wealth disparity via tax cuts. She also doesn't have any concrete plans to handle the energy crisis we will have this winter. Her feminist policies will matter less when impoverished Brits are unable to heat their homes or keep up with the rising cost of living
She looks a bit like gender critical Labour Rosie Duffield who has worked widely on this.
God it's going to be weird not having a Queen for a very long time, not maybe even in our life times. I think they should just stick to the Queen title because we're so used to it now lol
It’s so funny- whenever I see “king” instead of “queen” I think ugh ew.
Queen Anne forever
:( I really wish we could have Anne as Queen, she's the most fit for the job out of any one in the family, now.
It's true, she's the best royal. I think support for the monarchy is going to dip in this period between Elizabeth and William, if it was Anne instead of Charles, I think it would be strong all the way through.
But, but ... the song "God save the Queen" is about a queen, not a king? Will they gender it now?
That's ridiculous!
No seriously, it just feels wrong to have a king.
I mean, I like that Charles is for organic agriculture, I guess, but ... having a male head of state brings so many problems. All those scandals!
Countries should only be ruled by postmenopausal women. They are the most hormonally stable, and also ... the least prone to embarrassing scandals.
It does feel wrong. England IS SUPPOSED TO HAVE A QUEEN. It just IS!
As for the scandals... remember Charles' leaked phone calls back when Camilla was still his mistress, and he told her he wished he could be her tampon?
I mean, they do still have a Liz in power. Charles is just the figurehead.
I've heard he also wants to cut more minor royals loose to make them earn their own living.
The song was God Save the King long before it was God Save the Queen. It’s been around since at least the 18th century.
We know. We're joking :) But also it was nice that the standard was female for a while there
He's also pro-WEF/the great reset – I've seen a couple of discussions of this already. I wonder how compatible his organic farming is with the new WEF nitrogen goals? Hopefully he will avoid policy from now on, and is too old to scandalize people in other ways.
Ah yes, I feel that sentiment. When Beatrix retired, we all of the sudden had a King's day. Still feels wrong after more than 9 years. And I never liked Queen's day to begin with: ridiculous amounts of orange every where and lots of severly drunk blokes singing Mariah Carey songs in public.
As an American, the mental image of drunken Dutch men singing Mariah Carey of all people is absurdly hilarious.
It is, yet at the same time reason enough to stay out of the country during King's day
We'll have a queen next time at least! I think Amalia is a pretty cool young woman and I like that she refused to join that student organization after the sexist shit became public.
Hahaha. That sounds annoying, but sort of cute.
What an odd concept, for a queen to just RETIRE.
Yeah, officially it's an abdication of course. Her mother did it as well. Unlike the UK, they don't tend to reign till they die.
Probably a better system. I feel sort of bad for Elizabeth that she worked until she died at 96 years old. Everyone deserves to retire eventually, even the queen.
Charles is too old to still be working much IMHO. If I were him I'd do all my bucket list stuff for a year or so and then hand it off to William.
Given his parents and grandmother, I think Charles has a couple of good decades ahead of him (or at least one-and-a-half), giving William's children time to grow up before the doom descends on William. Won't somebody think of the children?
Saw this earlier, shared by one of the biggest, most brain-dead TRA women I know. I am really not sure what to make of it.
Is it possible she's so brain-dead that she didn't realize it was a joke? She thought GC people were saying that in seriousness?
Honestly, I took it for a TRA mocking what they would think a conservative would say.
As a english person I don't care, She's no different to anyone elses grandmother and I dont think we should have royals they are a unnecessary extra expense that make a mockery of the idea that we are democratic, how can we be with those born into being given millions of tax payers money.
I'm cool with a king it doesn't feel odd to me, I just think it sound odd thats its king charles sounds like a dog, I am happy for him to get in he's been waiting 73 years but I would like him to be the last and the monarchy dissolved after him
Hahaha. It doesn't feel right to not have a queen in Britain. I am so annoyed that the next two people in line after Charles are both male.
Even though I'm American, I share the same sentiment. It sucks that England likely won't have another Queen in our lifetimes
Yeah, that is a bit depressing, that we likely won't see another one.