SamuraiGhostCatSeptember 19, 2021

Yes, we need protection from them too.

ouvalemondeGIRLBO$$September 19, 2021

Best possible response lmaoooooooo

bellatrixbellsSeptember 19, 2021

I love it when we mention women and girls and some dumb TRA goes "aNd tRaNs wOmEn tOo".

I'm just like "i tHoUgHt tRaNs wOmEn aRe WoMeN".


IridescenceSeptember 20, 2021(Edited September 20, 2021)

Me too - like, if trans women are women, then there shouldn't be any need to assume them as a group that needs *gasp* different protections and rights from biological women, and thus needs to be specially brought up for 'inclusivity'?

ZolaSeptember 20, 2021

this actually makes me so livid. i cut off TRA friends at this point

mg2000 [OP]September 20, 2021

haha, right?? They know that noone actually believes their lies. It’s just empty mantras.

[Deleted]September 19, 2021

“And let’s not forget about transwomen” could also get the response “Yes, women and girls definitely need protection and spaces free of them!”

RadicalSeptember 19, 2021

Every. Fucking. Time

Researcher1536September 19, 2021
