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LunarWolfJanuary 9, 2025

Just finished this show. Loved it! It was like Dead to Me and Big Little Lies, but better.

MirrenDecember 17, 2024(Edited December 17, 2024)

I absolutely loved Bad Sisters season one. It's a perfect season of television. Part of it was filmed near my hometown, which was trippy!

Unfortunately I've heard season two isn't as good

OP, I shared your thoughts about that scene. I felt fear for the female character as it progressed. I think there was an intention of commentary on the relative powers of men and women. I thought there was also an element of the writer showing us this really good guy who gets on great with the female lead (who is also the series writer) and everything's going swimmingly until the reveal... perhaps there an intention of popping the perfect-man-fantasy bubble? Or maybe I'm reading too much into it.

ActualWendyDecember 28, 2024

I’m halfway through season two. It’s even better because the main villain is played by Fiona Shaw. I suspect men don’t like it because it’s so centered on women. There’s no sex so far, so that’s another hint why men don’t like it as much.