im-tired_smhSeptember 25, 2020

Bless JKR for using her platform the way she has. She’s fighting for all of us. I love her so much.

SeahorseLTSeptember 25, 2020

One of the few smart women out there in a position of power. Most seem to think that if they lay low, their power won't get taken away. Or they think they are above it all. I don't know.

[Deleted]September 25, 2020
JLeGuinSeptember 25, 2020


Apricot_IbexOctober 1, 2020

Rowling is the true progressive. Instead of saying “you’re broken,. You must alter your body now or you can never be whole or happy” she is saying “you are good the way you are. Society is wrong for telling you otherwise. Love yourself and don’t let them gaslight and mutilate you.” And THIS is offensive? And “biological women are oppressed because of patriarchy” and “homophobia is real” are offensive? 🤦‍♀️

NoonefromnowhereOctober 6, 2020

Damn. If ever there was a meme I wish I had a platform to share with, it would be this one. This should be a poster campaign. People WILL start reading, and look where they'll end up.