The saddest part is how many women (particularly left wing women) are perfectly content to give all our rights away just to please some crazy White men in drag
A lot of it is white guilt.
While I do think it’s good to have some self reflection, both as a society and an individual, charging every single white person with all of society’s ills and calling them “oppressors” doesn’t lead to a healthy society or indeed, a healthy mindset. This is also why I don’t believe in making blanket statements about men either (most of the time—there are some exceptions).
A lot of handmaidens are plagued with either white guilt or the guilt of wealth privilege (which is not race specific) and that combined with a lot of female be kind! socialization leads to the most fervent of loyal handmaidens throwing their hard won rights into the bin.
And TRAs manipulate that white guilt by drawing offensive comparisons to the civil rights movement. "This is just like Jim Crow laws forcing black people to use separate bathroom facilities," they'll say about men in women's facilities. "Remember when professional sports tried to ban black athletes, too?" they'll say about men competing in women's sports. Or sometimes they'll just outright say "TERFs are all racists."
They latch on like parasites and piggyback on to any social movement like they've done with LGB and feminist orgs, but they specifically like to play to white liberal guilt by drawing false comparisons between their plight and black people, and it's goddamn offensive.
Yeah the comparison to race is just absurd. But then again, they also compare the legislation around puberty blockers as “genocide” and compare it to the holocaust, so I don’t think that they have any capacity for real movements.
White guilt is a silly American thing, it doesn't apply in other countries, but this crap has gone worldwide.
Well, yes (mostly). But are you denying that America and American politics isn’t responsible for some of the worst of this garbage?
Also, white guilt totally exists in Canada, the UK, and Australia to some extent (for the last, mostly in the form of aboriginal/white relations). It is the worst in America but it absolutely exists and props up this movement in other predominately white countries… come on
Only in so far as brainwashed kids at university who don't seem to understand what country they are in, just as they decided to protest the police on the streets about a black man who was killed 3,000 miles away, in another country thats nothing to do with us, by their police also nothing to do with us. the internet has rendered people so dumb. but its still a small minority of loudmouthed thickos.
small minority of loudmouthed thickos.
And what do you think the trans movement comes from, exactly? You should understand more than most why “loudmouthed thickos” are a problem and can be real thorns in the side of politics and academia.
Also if you go to any event in Australia, they’ll be prefaced by a land acknowledgment. They put up an aboriginal flag on the Sydney bridge a few years ago. Obviously there’s some manner of virtue signaling and “white atonement” there, considering that the (mostly white) Australians have no intention of actually giving the land back to any aboriginal people.
So, yeah it’s more than just so dumb college kids.
It’s even worse in Canada, my god.
Men are master manipulators.
The idea that women are manipulative liars is common in the manosphere
Like many of their misogynist beliefs, it seems to be a projection on their part.
Everything males say about women is projecting, i have come to realize. Men are evil, perverted, double crossing, manipulative, lazy, willfully ignorant, angry, entitled gold diggers. Hence this is what they call us.
In incels and the trans it's possibly the most obvious: incels believe that women only want to sleep with 5% porn star looking gigantic dick men ... Because they only consider the 5% of hottest "Stacys" women, the rest, to them is invisible garbage.
Incels think that when a woman is in a relationship she's secretly thirsting for a bigger, richer cock and will leave as soon as she finds one... Because that's what almost all men do. They'll find some woman they don't even like as long as sex is happening but they're constantly on the lookout, while also constantly thirsting over women they could never ever have.
Great points! I've observed the same, a sad truth indeed but one that women and girls need to be aware of. When we're unaware of how men think, we are more likely to fall into their traps. This is why they don't want us to be able to discuss ourselves and our experiences - it's bad for the male con.
Women do it too and I'm not excluding myself, but the difference is we project our kindness and empathy onto men, ie most women think men are as empathetic and kind as we are. Which makes us even easier for men to take advantage of.
Slight tangent but every day I see several posts on reddit that go approximately "my beloved husband who I swear is 99.999% good called me a fat ugly whxre in front of my kids, he also never washes his dick and keeps on giving me STIs, he also mocks and belittles me, has never touched a diaper or a hoover, but he only beats me sometimes. Advice? And DON'T TELL ME To break up with him I obviously love him!!"
A man would never take any of this but these women genuinely believe the man who is using them for sex and maid services loves them because twice a year he spits out an insincere compliment.
Feminism is another example. Women assume men are feminist because they care about women's rights, that men are GNC or trans because they're "on women's side" and that they see women's interests and presentation as equally human and equally valuable, TIFs assume being a man is just about wearing comfy clothes and being nerdy and into video games, and going on and on about how hard men have it under the patriarchy just to show how objective, fair and not-like-other-girls you are (oh wait, liberal feminists already do this in general).
In reality men are raised with abhorrent herd-like ideas about people and completely broken morals which can be summed up as: not letting a dick do whatever it wants is abuse (does not apply to gay men and TIMs hitting on straight men). Most men are only feminist because they support porn and prostitution. Most trans-identified men are trans because they're turned on by it, or because they see womanhood as some cutesy, infantile pink utopia of privilege and coddling from everyone around you.
Also, most men will straight up lie to your face in ways that women won't, which is why trolling is such a favourite past-time of boys. It's also what screws women over on domestic violence reports: women will admit to acting out in response to male violence, while men will lie, cover up and downplay what they did as "unimportant" compared to a woman not making them dinner or telling them to stop playing vidya games. Applies also to rape, misogyny, childcare and chores, everything. Men will lie and swear up and down that none of it is a problem and that it's all equal, and yet objective statistics will continuously support the women's side of the story.
Those reddit relationship subs are so infuriating. Women dealing with abusers are told to get counseling or "just communicate". But if a man says, "the bitch won't let me do anal because it hurts her", they're like, "DIVORCE HER! She can't meet your needs!!"
I'd laugh at your example if I didn't know full well it's all too real T_T
But wow yes it's true women do project kindness and compassion where it isn't. I never thought about it like that, as the flipside to men projecting their degeneracy haha, but it really rings true.
It's disheartening to realize many men cannot feel empathy for others, especially for women, but that painful realization is an important part of rising above and beyond it. I always say I'd rather know the ugly truth than live in blissful ignorance.
It's actual insane the level of paranoia they have on what's going on in our brains.
Disagree. That assumes women are just some damsels who get manipulated that easily.
We comply because of the physical danger they pose to us
I think a lot of women genuinely were manipulated, though.
While yes, you're absolutely right that much of our compliance has been out of fear, there are plenty of "peak trans" stories from women even here who bought into all of it and truly believed trans women were women and a marginalized group that had to be protected. A lot of women had their natural empathy taken advantage of and were "fooled" by all of it, not because they felt threatened. In fact, a lot of women peak once they can look past the smokescreen and see the violence, misogyny, and homophobia deeply embedded in the movement.
Ofc, it's also important to acknowledge that it's not just the men manipulating young women. Tumblr was a hotbed for early radicalization, and women run the show there. On Tumblr, at least back in the early 2010s, it was a whole city of TIFs and women calling themselves "cis allies."
The smartest con of the 21st century is either that; or,
convincing women that degrading themselves in service male sexual fetishes and fulfillment is empowering.
Scrotes had to figure out a way to absolve their guilt and what better way than to combine your identity with your porn habits?