Discrimination is the lowest factor, yet TRAs will screech about how they only detrans because of that
Well they value their own feelings and ideas above the truth all the time so that makes sense
I lurk in the detrans subreddit (because it's the most GC place on Reddit, for real) and this matches what I've read there -- for women. Almost all of them recognized their trauma, internalized misogyny, or other mental health issues (autism is a big one) were the reason why they felt that they weren't women.
For detrans men? The big one seems to be that they don't actually pass, and society treats them with suspicion and disgust at worst, and fake "playing along" at best.
Once they accept that this is their life as a trans woman -- being seen and treated like a weird man rather than like a real woman -- they tend to give up on what they now recognize is an impossible dream.
There's also a lot of internalized homophobia among the gay men, but with the straight ones it's usually that they don't pass. Just my observation.
Holy "change in political views", Batman! is all I'm gna say about that part.
Does "alternatives to treat gender dysphoria" mean exploratory therapy and plain ol' self-love. the stuff that the European and Canadian left is trying to criminalize as CoNvErSiOn ThErApY
Thanks for this OP, it's a very interesting read !
I think it's important to keep that in mind, the results for the male cohort are pretty much useless given the size of the sample.
And here I thought no one was transing children.
Damn, that's a lot. I have a lot of respect for people who are able to go so far and then admit they were wrong anyway. I keep thinking I'd be overwhelmed by the sunk costs fallacy and could never go back after something this huge.
Thanks for confirming that the trans cult is preying on traumatized teenage girls.
In other words, 82% of them could not actually consent to the interventions. You can't consent if you haven't been properly informed.
But they're not targeting young lesbians at all.
doesn't matter if they were informed or not if they all have mental health problems
I don't disagree, but they need to hold the medical field accountable too.