Considering Ovarit gets lurked on? Probably not too long
I went to look and it's already been deleted and marked as "vandalism" in the edit page, not even 2 hours after being posted here lmfao
Liddural violence
BTW they may have taken it down because I did the edit without signing in from a proxy address. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also, if anybody here wants a more formal grammar explanation of why twaw itz in da nameee!
doesn't work, this is it.
Counterfeit money is money—it's in the name!
Omg where did you find this
I was reading through some Italian/Sicillian language things and happened upon this, at which point I thought Hmmm!, that sounds familiar! and took a shot in the dark to see whether the equivalent English name was actually a real grammar thing.
That sounds like a really great site! Thank you for the reference. I will share it with my Nigel who loves Camilleri.
Yeah there's some neat hyperlocal stuff on there. I'm not sure the author is updating the site anymore—the last blog posts are dated 2021—but it's still interesting to read either way.
I do wonder whether the blogger will look at his analytics and wonder where the hell this sudden burst of Americans, Brits and Aussies came to his site from😀.
Lmao, it is true though. It is the only reason why we need to say that they are trans women (or men): fake woman, fake man 🤷
They try oh so hard to erase that meaning, by comparing it to tall, slim, fat, black, white, religious, atheist, etc... but no, trans means fake. It literally nullifies the next word.
Bambi is a deer 🤣
Although tbf I have seen some people say that Bambi is trans because he has prominent eyelashes which make him look girly. Because obviously only women have long eyelashes
Since Bambi was a feeble boy by his society’s metrics he must of course be a woman since he was cast off into the underclass. This is my very progressive interpretation that you’re just not media literate enough to understand.
See also: oxymoron
Oxymoron would be more like "authentic trans identity" though
"Trans woman" is an oxymoron. It is a (deliberately) misleading contradiction. Nobody should be using oxymorons if they want to be understood.
I guess what I'm thinking is, "trans woman" isn't oxymoronic because it's not self-contradictory, i.e., it has the potential to convey a sensible meaning (if it were used to mean TIF).
They never call a TIF a TW tho, they only use that to describe TIMs.
Of course not, since confusion and disinformation is the entire point. But plenty of people with no real familiarity with trans issues—especially older folks, rural people, and immigrants with limited English proficiency—think that's what "trans woman" means (or just don't know either way). In a recent poll, fully 1/3 of people in the UK didn't know (either weren't sure or thought the reverse) which sex of person a "trans woman" or a "trans man" meant.
My mom was confused on whether a trans woman was male or female, and my sister told her to just mentally replace “trans” with “fake.”