Coco_CannibalJuly 13, 2024

Damn, recently had to explain on reddit that Hirschfeld's institute was closed because HE was JEWISH AND GAY, but that the "transvestitenschein" ( don't trust the English wiki, the German one is more honest and use Google translate) invented by Hirschfeld too, was legal in Nazi Germany, transvestites, as long as they confirmed to chosen gender norms (sounds familiar?)band were, obviously, arian, were perfect fine and evrn promoted as a form of conversation therapy for da evil gays.(Sounds familiar?)

Even his book in transvestites explained it it as a goddamn SEXUAL FETISH BY THE GID OF TRANS HIMSELF, IT'S ....A....FETISH....

[Deleted]July 13, 2024(Edited July 13, 2024)

Yeah, I remember having a big long argument about this a while back, with receipts, but wasn't really heard of over the noise. I appreciate you speaking truth to power, sis.

[Deleted]July 13, 2024

Hirschfeld gets lionized by TIPs as some sort of trailblazer for trans rights, when in reality his work was the basis of Blanchard's typology and Blanchard referenced his research a lot.

pennygadgetJuly 13, 2024

Damn, recently had to explain on reddit that Hirschfeld's institute was closed because HE was JEWISH AND GAY

These same trender-queers like to pretend that Anne Frank died because she was lesbian or bi and ignore the fact that she was Jewish (there are some passages in her diary where she goes on about how beautiful other girls are)

pennygadgetJuly 13, 2024

Its because TRAs are desperate for martyrs. So they will take people who were killed/persecuted for being Jewish or homosexual and re-write them as trans heroes

pennygadgetJuly 13, 2024

What a coincidence. Most modern "queers" also have the same opinions about Jews/Israel as actual Nazis

Nazis thought of themselves as on "the right side of history", too. They were convinced eugenics and "racial hygiene" would create an "Aryan master race" that would dominate everyone else.