We are the radfem meme circle
The Old Queen r/trollgc is dead, may she forever rest in power.
Long Live the New Queen at Ovarit: Radfemmery.
The Radfemmery is a place for users to share screenshots, memes, and gifs related to all aspects of radical feminism. We want to blur the line between being funny and serious, so that we can find humour and release in a world that's more often than not against us. Better to laugh than cry sometimes. All areas of radical feminism can be meme’d.
Moreover, The Radfemmery is where we gather round and share content from radfems/GCs meant for radfems/GCs. This circle is not for sharing the foolishness of TRAs, libfems, and men. That content belongs in o/TransLogic.
Updated as of 17 Apr 2022.
Posts can be removed by mods for any reason for the health of the community including ones that don’t land or are confusing.
Tip: If you aren't sure where a post should go, check out o/ItsAFetish and o/TransLogic to decide whether or not those would be better circles to post in.
Rule 1: Appropriate Posts
Memes, screenshots, and gifs ONLY
NO text posts or copypasta.
NO linking to news articles or outside websites, even those satirical or sardonic in nature.
Stick to visuals.
NO PORN VISUALS OR TEXT (They fit better at o/ItsAFetish)
NO genital pictures, including neovaginas and neophalluses. Mastectomies and breast implants will be taken on a case-by-case basis.
Rule 2: Inappropriate Content
Rule 3: The NO List
NO misogyny, racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, ableism, ageism, colorism.
NO slurs: No n-words, misogynistic slurs (ex: bitch, slut, terf, cis), t-slurs or their derivatives (ex: trunacy, troon, Timmy, Timothy)
NO debating. Take debates to other circles. Do NOT debate tenets of various philosophies here. No derailing or sealioning. No DARVO.
NO template gripes.
NO conversion therapy (aka Genital Preferences are Transphobic) or other right-wing, conservative talking points allowed.
NO joking about any and all illegal activity that could actually happen
NO talking about downvotes. For the love of all that is female, STOP talking about downvotes. Mods are sick of it. No griping about how many downvotes your comment or post got, or another person's comment or post got. Those comments will be deleted even if they accompany otherwise good commentary.
Rule 4: Redactions
Reddit names do NOT need to be redacted, neither do Chapo Chat names, etc.
Do not redact the Twitter handles of TRAs and misogynists.
Verified users are always fair game.
We do NOT protect misogynistic men and their sycophants. Record any and all misogynies.
Sitewide Rules and Sitewide Guidelines are enforced here.
Happy memeing~!
The top definitely resonates.
The bottom is confusing to me. Is "terven" being used in the sense that TRAs use it, to apply to any person who doesn't comply with transgenderism? Because actual radical feminism is incompatible with conservativism, by definition, so "conservative TERF" is an oxymoron.
I think most of them haven't actually looked into radical feminsim and buy into the idea that it's conservative.
Well, I can't find the reference right now, but I've read in a paper that trans-exclusionary positions have been held by Christian feminists from the US well before (around the 80's I believe) our current gender war.
The rest is an inference from Twitter: as a leftie, I was kinda surprised to find out big accounts like Hazel are out and about Trump supporters.
I have no problem allying with women of any and all political confessions on the trans issue though.
I agree with DurableBook. Also, I'm not sure what the squigglies through the bar on the bottom are supposed to represent.
I think the issue is that the top part is more like "accurately describing the hidden reality despite their external labels" whereas the bottom is more like "where labels get (incorrectly) applied as slurs".
Most of us radfems here, I think, would agree that, even though the people saying "TERF" don't understand what it means and are applying it to people that aren't "RF" or "TE", radical feminism does imply rejecting TIM demands to be considered as "women", so TERF is not really an "incorrect label" for most of us. I feel like many of us have kind of jokingly embraced/reclaimed the term "terven" (e.g. "terven sisters on Ovarit") because it takes some of the sting out the slur usage, and (like I said), it's not technically "wrong."
OP is right that much of the "trans exclusion" in the US comes from a conservative religious angle. However that same religious conviction about sex-based gender norms basically precludes them from aligning legit radical feminism, so when people label them as "TERF" it's almost always wrong, and just and empty slur.
I actually do have problems aligning with the Right on trans (I am a bit more comfortable aligning with the Right on abortion). Rad fems have been against trans shit on feminist grounds for a long ass time. See Janice Raymond, The Transexual Empire 1979. Please do not credit the right. There weren't any Christian women risking their career and lives over this issue. Raymond and others were in the feminist movement.