nomenarewomenOctober 27, 2024

TRUTH. I hate how they called it 'sex-change' surgery. My brother has special needs and was told about sex-change surgery and that some people can change sex and it's hard to get him to understand the name is misleading and no human can change sex. Ironically, he also absolutely knows men and women are different and one is not the other - he would laugh if he saw a TIM irl as he'd know they were just a man looking weird! He doesn't have the intellectual ability to even comprehend 'non-binary' and I am so angry that some would get angry at him or accuse him of some phobia or try and 'train' him out of it if he didn't call someone by their 'preferred pronouns'. For the record: AN INVERTED DICK IS STILL A DICK. Fuck off with your 'neo vagina' bullshit.

dotconnectrOctober 27, 2024

The first unethical doctors to perform cosmetic surgery on genitals knew they were lying when they called it a "sex change operation" because the function of sex chromosomes had already been understood since 1905, when they were discovered by a woman scientist called Nettie Stevens.

FeministunderyrbedOctober 27, 2024

But… but… what about shaving down their skulls? And breaking their clavicles to narrow their shoulders? And special-ordering gigantic shoes with heels? Surely that is trying hard enough to deserve to be one of the laydees.

RusticTroglodyteVisible titsOctober 27, 2024

Don't forget "voice training" lol

dotconnectrOctober 27, 2024(Edited October 27, 2024)

lol! Is it bad that I read that in the same voice as the guy who says "but what about clownfish?" (1:23) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rV-Exeal17s

nomenarewomenOctober 27, 2024

the clownfish argument is honestly hilarious - like, humans aren't fish so what exactly is your point Sir?

SrfthrowawayOctober 27, 2024

My sister in law is a pediatric nurse by trade. She refers to the Wachowski assholes as "turned into women!"

I'm pretty sure she's the main reason my niece isn't detrans. My brother is a moron who will go along with whatever "this kid" says she is at this point but SIL is absolutely obsessed with trans.

I think she really thought she was getting a gay son out of poisoning and deforming her daughter.

NastasyaFillipovnaOctober 27, 2024

Genetics hate this one trick smh.