The current state of reddit:
any female centric sub that didn't cater to males was banned, including gendercritical, truelesbians, truebisexuals and many others
most lgb-t spaces are now mostly t focused and every other post is "look at me 8 mos hrt dress go spinny reeeeeee!"
twoxchromosomes and actuallesbians are run by men
the remaining feminist spaces are run by men or handmaidens
The only reason I haven't deleted my account is so i can point people either here or saidit/ruqqus. They should rename reddit to echochambers r us
I’d like to offer a small correction, or rather, two. One, most LGBT spaces are just T spaces now. Two, that applies everywhere, not just Reddit. I was actually a bit relieved that Pride was canceled this year. Last year, it seemed to be a smattering of confident and dedicated, fuck-you lesbians and gay men, some bisexuals, the obligatory supportive groups of straight people, the straight people who are there just to gawk, and then the vast majority were grouped around kink/fetish-based “identities” and gender ideology, such as women who were lesbians a couple years ago, but were now NB, transmen, transwomen (the latter vastly outnumbering the former), drag queens, and blue-haired handmaidens with “fluid gender identities”. Sexuality is a footnote to gender now.
I stay away from reddit for that reason. As in, it was instabanned for excluding m*les.
So many good subs lost. I miss r/PinkPillFeminism, r/ActualStraightGuys (lesbians LARPing as men, lol), r/MenoftheWall....
Blackpill and pinkpillfeminism used incels’ own idiotic arguments against them and were no-holds-barred about reported by whining basement dwellers for “misandry,” and got banned, while MRAs, “seduction strategists” aka date rapists, guys uploading involuntary porn, misogyny “kinks,” tons of new incel sub replacements, that was all fine with Reddit. A lot of subs sexualizing violence against women are still up or were only very recently removed (way after the banwave) and only because women have been relentlessly reporting them.
R/theWall existed for years, but wouldn’t accept pictures of males into their little circlejerk, so then R/MenoftheWall comes out and triggers their sorry asses....BAN!! 🤣
R/actualstraightguys is gone too. Its crime? Making fun of the average sexist male Redditor and pointing out the hypocrisy that countless misogynistic subs are allowed (including r/actuallesbians, which is full of straight males LARPing as lesbian women and invading their online space). BAN!!! Reddit is so transparent....
I noticed that FemaleDatingStrategy is definitely inspired by some radfem ideals- rejecting the pick-me/handmaiden status quo, refusing relationships with pornsick, abusive, and sexist males, criticizing the “sex work is empowering” bullshit narrative, and so it’s now triggering Reddit too, OFC. 🙄
Edit: And of course R/LGBDropTheT and r/itsafetish. Too many eye openers there, and how dare gay people ask for political and social representation separate from TIMs!
Even though I never joined, I found out about it after the ban. You can search the rules online, it seemed like an amazing sub. Someone has a private, 2nd sub of it. It was mentioned in r/wgtow. I still want the original one, although I appreciate the 2nd!
Although unlikely, has there ever been an instance of Reddit reviving deleted subs?
Although unlikely, has there ever been an instance of Reddit reviving deleted subs?
Though this is likely an optimistic fantasy in my head, I can't help but wonder what Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, all these awards, sports organizations, civil rights groups, etc. will do once the veil has been lifted and this gender nonsense is over. Will they un-ban everyone who was banned for "wrongthink," especially women speaking out against misogyny? Will they bring back the subreddits that were banned once they realize everything on them was correct and true? Will any of these organizations apologize for their misogynistic behavior and admit they were wrong? HAHAHA, no of course they won't.
They will do whatever will generate profit for them. Once the transcult has gone out of fashion, they'll probably pretend they were against it all along. Definitely no unbanning accounts or anything. Subs like GC wouldn't so much be unbanned but "reborn" as male-friendly, consumerist subs. And if Reddit is forced to acknowledge that they made a mistake, they'll find a female fall guy to blame.
The Glass Cliff
Yup. Oh, and just to be clear, I make that prediction based on Reddit's own history in shoving women off the glass cliff:
Since Friday, Wong has prodded conspiracy theorists along by accusing Alexis Ohanian of using Pao as the face of the crisis. After the banning of certain hateful subreddits—but especially after the sudden removal of Taylor—redditors waged a massive campaign against Pao, flooding the site with images depicting her as Hitler and Mao Tse-tung. The outrage peaked in a petition that demanded her removal from Reddit. It collected over 200,000 signatures.
This is a strange reaction from users when most of the decisions redditors blamed her for were actually made by Ohanian. In the wake of Pao leaving, Ohanian and Huffman have taken ownership of the new harassment policies, the banning of r/FatPeopleHate, and firing Taylor—stating clearly they won’t reverse most of the changes for which Pao has taken the blame. Yishan Wong noted this disparity, alleging on Reddit that Ohanian “just sat back and let [Pao] take the heat. That’s a stunning lack of leadership and an incredibly shitty thing to do.”
I made my own bpf on saidit but i really want the original back, is there a way to get into the private sub?
I found the post! >
I remember that sub on saidit! It was really hard for me to adjust to saidit as a Reddit user. I hope old users who went on bpf can check it out!! Or maybe the building a forum website would be cool!
The closest thing would be this website >
Or this imageboard >
And this Korean website that has a global imageboard for English speakers and others! (check and press the second image on the slide) > womad life
》 I remember that sub on saidit! It was really hard for me to adjust to saidit as a Reddit user. I hope old users who went on bpf can check it out!! Or maybe the building a forum website would be cool!
No, the actual BPF on saidit is modded by a moid,so I made another called s/trueblackpillfeminism.
But thanks for all the links, appreciate it!
I miss it. Does anyone remember the recommended blogs from its sidebar?
I think these might have been some of them (?)...actually, I think these were on r/PinkPillFeminism, but maybe they’re similar. :-) “Men Are Not Broken”
Not gonna sit here and pretend any kind of redpill derivative isn't a toxic shithole
Yeah, I do. I found out about it after it got banned. So not missing in the literal sense. Any blackpilled feminists here?
Yes! PinkPillFeminism too. Only places where we could call out men's bullshit without having to "soften" things up.
Yes. It was the first to be banned, too, it was the first ever feminist community to use the men's "it's natural for us to behave like this" against men instead of denying it. Every other feminist space would instantly dismiss the very idea that anything about violence could be inherent to men.