Women supporting any patriarchal religion, and let's be honest, that includes all the Abrahamic religions and their offshoots. The Christian nationalism so many conservatives want would be no better than what we see in many Muslim countries.
It's still a pile of shit. But one is a wheel barrow of bullshit, while the other is three wheel barrows of bullshit.
It’s not racism to oppose a religion
Christianity is no better or worse, it’s just in a less fanatical cycle
To my understanding, while Christianity was burning unbelievers at the stake, non believers under Islam had an ok life
There are Muslims of all colors, just as there are Christian’s of all colors. Yet condemning one is racism, and adherents of the other haven’t to prove they are not
I really think some people just want to be contrary and do it for shock value
To my understanding, while Christianity was burning unbelievers at the stake, non believers under Islam had an ok life
No. Witch burnings happened on and off and varied with time and space. In the NT, it's written under the assumption that Christians will never be the dominant power. The earliest Christians would be very surprised it took over so much of the world. The Quran, on the other hand, is written on the assumption that it should be and will be the dominant power. Non-Muslims are are to be vanquished. Any that are allowed to survive must be second class or slave class, and must be subjugated to Muslims.
Yes, this includes Islamic Spain, don't listen to any claptrap about how Muslims made it a peaceful multi-culti paradise. It was actually a vicious system of apartheid, which is why it ended in a bloody way.
I really don't agree with the comments that say "Christianity is no better/just as bad/etc." No, there are Christians, especially men but also brainwashed (by men) women, who are just as bad as muslims. But when evaluating a belief system or religion (or plagiarized cult, in the case of Islam), I like to examine the founders and texts. They are night and day. You cannot read the New Testament and tell me it's basically the same as the Quran. The Gospels are nothing like even the most reliable Hadiths. You cannot look at what Jesus preached and how he lived his life and tell me he and Muhammed are "two peas in a pod". They couldn't be more different, yet both call on their followers and believers to follow their example and try to live like they did. When Christian men were burning people, mostly women, they were being the opposite of Christ-like. When muslim men form rape gangs and rape 100,000s of girls, they are being very Muhammed-like.
I think when we see they things wrong with Christianity, what we are seeing are the things wrong with humanity, and men in particular (their hatred and violence towards women and children being especially relevant, not to mention their tendency, biological and/or nurtured, to become perverted sexually). I can understand that there are some tenets in Christianity (though only few come to mind, a lot of what gets pushed today was never preached by Jesus) that people will disagree with or have a hard time with, I feel the same way, but that in no way compares to the mountain of things in Islam that sound like they were thought up by a murderous, rapey demon. Because they were.
Anyway, just putting this out there because I'm tired of all the "all religions are equally bad" thing that the New Atheists have been pushing for over 20 years. I think we can be honest with what we observe in history and see one is uniquely evil, and uniquely even more hateful of women than the rest. And the pockets of time (and space, Islam conquered and subjugated vast swathes of the planet, violently, so one must specify where, not just when) one might be tempted to think of as "nice" for women in Islam... I'd say take a closer look. At no point would there not have been a slave trade, especially a sex slave trade, and that includes the modern day (you can still walk into Arab-run slave markets in the current year, selling human beings... just out in the open). Islam is in a league of its own, and I've found whenever they try to paint their history as feminist, that almost always turns out to be BS (like universities for women... to teach them to be more obedient and follow Sharia law better. M'kay).
Just wanted to put that out there because I feel it needs saying.
The Quran is the Book of Mormon for Arabs. A very clear, easily laid out, demonstrably plagiarized fraud.
And it's really the worst major religion out there. When you only have Vodun and other human-sacrificing religions that are worse, you're in bad shape.
Hell, Joseph Smith outright said he'd be the Muhammad of the new millennium. He deliberately patterned himself off of the "prophet"!
The first people to see the resurrected Christ were women and he hid himself from his most loyal male followers!