I've met some really unattractive men who were sure that gay guys are looking at them all the time. I haven't heard it in a while, though.
From having met a couple of such people, I think they're the same demographic as the 4chan basement TIMs who transition because they're closeted or only get along with other scummy men of the same basement quality.
I heard this recently for the first time in a while. Men really do have the highest opinion of themselves.
This is such a male perspective and depicts homosexuality as an exclusively male thing
They hate lesbians because we won’t have sex with them
So true. How often do we hear from men that street harassment/unwanted advances isn't a big deal, women should be flattered and they can't understand women's negative reactions. Then compare how angrily men lash out at the faintest suggestion of being "preyed upon"/sexualised by someone they don't want. I mean how many fist fights do men cause because some guy "looked at them funny." Women are supposed to just grin and bear it apparently.
The gay panic defense was literally a thing in the USA. You could get your sentence reduced because you are a man and a man looked at you. Meanwhile women get the worst sentences even when it's proved they were abused
Well women are just for sex and men are real people, duh. /s