the TRAs have campaigned against anti-FGM legislation because it's transphobic.
The entire concept of "being trans" dismantles the core foundational building blocks of what it means to be sexed. And not in a good way. Breaking gender stereotypes? Yes. Absolutely. Forcing people to pretend there's no meaningful difference between male and female (as a sex class)? Go fuck yourself.
Nope. Won't do it. They are targeted BECAUSE THEY ARE female. Not playing along with this bullshit.
Right? Call me transphobic, I don't give two shits anymore. When something as simple as saying "vaginas are a muscle, not just a hole" or "men cannot become women" gets you called transphobic, the word is meaningless
wtf? If a clitoris isn’t female, then how to they know to only do this to females?
They just do it to the people who like pink and wear makeup /s
What the actual heck. The cultures that mutilate girls don't even recognize TIMs, how in the world are they being centered in something like this?
White guilt, virtue signaling.
Actually (if you dont mind), what is virtue signaling?
Letting other people know that you are a Good PersonTM and that you're on the Right Side of History without actually doing anything of great importance or impact.
A great example is that interaction where a white girl was dressed in kimono because she was into Japanese culture, then people who weren't even Japanese scolded her and her parents for "cultural appropriation" and made the girl feel bad...then actual Japanese women commented saying that they love when ppl appreciate their culture and they don't mind at all as long as it's done respectfully (which it was) and not in a way that is mocking or pornified
The person crying about cultural appropriation was virtue signaling. None of it effected them, they were literally just trying to act like righteous defenders of Japanese culture so they'd look like good ppl
I assumbed those people were actually worried that they were hurting Japanese people.
The process of signaling that you have certain virtues by doing very minimal, non-impactful activities, like a support sticker on your car bumper.
Oh they recognize TiMs just fine, it's just they use the correct terminology for them, ie Trans-Men. They are Men who identify as something different. IDK why we use the terminology in reverse.
Ok fine, but they dont upend the entire society. They know exactly who had to wear a burqua and who must have a male guardian to walk across the street etc.
We call them transwomen to validate them and to ease the way to just calling them "women" while us peons get the "cis" and "uterus haver" labels.
TIM means trans identified male. Male calling himself a woman (or any "gender" that isn't a man)
Trans man means woman who calls herself a man.
Trans woman means man calling himself a woman, which is why we use TIM instead.