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[Deleted]May 12, 2022

I love this account. I see more and more younger black women ditching the weaves and wigs in favor of natural hair and I love it. When I was in high school it was practically unheard of for girls to show up without wigs, or at least without spending hours trying to straighten and tame your hair lest someone dub you a "nappy headed hoe" for the next few months. This is one of the very few things I think social media is making a positive change with.

Committing_TerveryMay 12, 2022


I highly recommend her Instagram, I’ve been following her for a couple years & first heard about her on radfem tumblr. She talks a lot about the female experience. She does AMAZING things with her hair. She discusses how she doesn’t shave, how only women get periods, etc.

She’s amazing. <3

princess_tootsMay 12, 2022

So gorgeous. I love her work.

Also, there’s a radfem tumblr?

Committing_TerveryMay 12, 2022

There’s a huge radfem & GC community on tumblr. It’s amazing!

princess_tootsMay 12, 2022

Oh wow! I had no idea. I’ve been thinking about exploring tumblr again (haven’t used it since college, lol)

tahmahrahMay 12, 2022

There's a very active radfem Tumblr.

princess_tootsMay 12, 2022

That’s awesome! I’ll try to find the community! I’m assuming we can’t link to them, but if we can, are there any specific large blogs you’d recommend?

actualdykeMay 12, 2022

this woman is such a breath of fresh air. her instagram captions always contain insightful discussion of womens issues using clear, female-centric language, and i've never seen a single TRA whining about it in her comments, just other women praising and supporting her. love it!!

[Deleted]May 13, 2022

The spiky one is cool as hell

littleowl12May 12, 2022

Beautiful. Nothing quite like seeing a woman create beauty through her art, soul and culture.

When I was a kid I was a nerd. I'm a totally Cool Stacy now, of course, but before I became Cheer Captain and was chosen for Prom Queen, I spent hours in the school library. A particularly favorite topic of mine was other cultures past and present, how they did their clothes and hair and fashion in general. I remember looking at pictures like these. The text was often too above my comprehension level but I remember being so impressed, flicking page after page in wonder.

GrimeldaSMay 12, 2022

Amazing. I love seeing modern recreations of historical hairstyles and clothing, especially when the artist is only going from paintings or photographs and has to guess what tools and techniques were used. I wonder how she managed it?

[Deleted]May 12, 2022
rad-sage-femMay 13, 2022

Amazing! Thanks for sharing.

Researcher1536May 12, 2022

These are awesome. The skills are mind blowing. I can't even curl my hair.

[Deleted]May 12, 2022

How interesting. Thanks for sharing.

GeneralLesbianMay 12, 2022

These are so beautiful. One of Angela Bassett's headdresses was similar to one of these styles.

VirginiaWolfberryMay 12, 2022

That is super cool!

ItzpapalotlMay 12, 2022

I love looking at historical hairstyles and dress - she’s very talented!

tahmahrahMay 12, 2022

These are so cool! Gorgeous, too. And I can't imagine the amount of work/skill involved.

Thanks for sharing.

DoomedSibylMay 12, 2022

Those are very cool! Amazingly beautiful.

Julie92845May 12, 2022(Edited May 12, 2022)

Very interesting. I'd always heard that black peoples' hair grows up, not down. It's cool to see them use that trait to their advantage in their styles.

TortoisemouseMay 12, 2022

Here is an article about Laetitia KY with cool photos of her cool hair and some interesting quotes:

I would love to know the technique and products used.

OneOddBirdMay 12, 2022

I love seeing women reclaim traditional dress and cultural hairstyles. This is beautiful

OneStarWolfMay 12, 2022

Very interesting!