I noticed this only because in my personal journal I'd been writing the total death count at the top of every entry -- I got in the habit during COVID and never stopped. Between last Thursday and now, the total-deaths figure has disappeared from the page: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/covid-cases.html?searchResultPosition=9
They still list the daily average, per-100,000 rate, and 14-day change, but not total deaths anymore.
Do you have any idea why they'd go to the trouble of eliminating that figure from their page? I don't.
Because they don’t want to remind people that culturally everyone’s decided to just ignore everyone sacrificed so that they can go back to life as normal
Do you have any idea why they'd go to the trouble of eliminating that figure from their page? I don't.
Because Biden is president now and Trump isn't
Probably because deaths have started rising again.
But they are still listing average number of deaths per day and 14-day change
wow, are you me ? lol I did the same thing with my journal. Only I stopped earlier. I think they don't want the public to know the deaths are increasing despite the "safe and effective" vaccine.
I'm just thankful I'm not one of them. Got symptoms starting on the 10th. Tested clean yesterday though. In my case it was a lot like a mild cold. I'm choosing not to think too hard about any internal damage I may have racked up, though.
I keep going back to that one neurosurgeon who operated on a guy who had a COVID stroke. He said that while he was removing the original clot there were a whole bunch of smaller ones forming around it. That is a scary virus.
This is where I was getting my numbers during lockdown:
I admit I haven't looked at this page in maybe months--am going to go look at it again.
It's possible that the total-deaths number will be revised to remove those who died with COVID so that it's only those who died from it. I mean, I have no idea, but that's my best guess, or at least something I expect to happen at some point.
You have been misinformed about the reporting process for COVID deaths. COVID is only listed as cause of death when it is actually the cause of death. There was a lot of misinformation about this because the powers-that-be want to downplay the number of deaths from COVID (in order to keep people going to work etc). Thus they tried to spin it as though doctors are reporting any death as a COVID death regardless of cause. This is untrue. COVID deaths have not been over-reported. If anything they have been dramatically under-reported, and I can say that because, if we look at excess deaths for the year of 2020 we see a major discrepancy between the number of people we'd expect to die in a given year versus the number that actually died. This despite a huge number of people staying home and being otherwise safe.
I can only speak from my own experience. But a relative of mine was listed as a COVID death when he actually died because the hospital didn't catch his blood infection in time (he was breathing on his own when he died. So COVID wasn't the issue that killed him). And I've heard similar stories from people i know.
Again, just anecdotal. But it makes sense if hospitals got more funding for COVID cases
I'm hearing otherwise. We'll see how things play out over the next while, maybe.
Looking at excess deaths is important. Some of them were from people who didn't get treatment for other things when they needed it (e.g. not going in to emergency with a heart attack) or who didn't get diagnosed in time. Some was overdoses and suicides. All this is going to take a while to sort out. It's too bad it's so emotionally loaded.
Maybe because they are worried it reflects badly on the Dems since the pandemic is still ongoing and the vaccines, helpful though they are, were not the panacea they were made out to be.
Also Biden said the shots will no longer be freely available soon, which sucks because they only recently even approved them for very young children and infants (in July). I haven't been able to get one for my son yet
This is the answer I think. As much as I hate sounding like a conspiracy nut, the White House Press Secretary has been pushing talking points comparing the deaths when Biden first took office and now, like somehow he had anything to do with the difference between early release vaccines (when he took office) and vaccines widely available and lower death rate variant (now). The talking points make it sound like Biden personally ordered the vaccines for the general public... Which I remember the previous administration having to pre-order them, and also the previous administration promised us sick people would get them faster and Biden changed that. Biden needs the pandemic to be "over with" before the midterms, which just means we stop talking about it being a current thing.
Didn't he just say like a week ago that the pandemic is 'over'? Lol. As if the president can control a virus. I'm very disappointed in all of the government for their shoddy response from day one.
Its so gross how the media and pundits politicized this virus. Remember when a bunch of lefties (including Kamala Harris) were anti vaccine when Trump was in power? But then wanted vaccines to be mandatory when Biden won? As if the efficacy is based on who the president is.
… and then wonder why people lose faith in public health.
Like how schools were disease vectors that should be shut down, but BLM rallies were certified 99% fresh by public health, right?
And how the mayor of New York City went after a small, insular community of Orthodox Jews for holding a funeral. And blamed Jews as a whole for spreading COVID during a time when antisemitic hate crimes were on the rise in New York. But then he cheered on the protesters who piled onto the streets like sardines for BLM rallies.
Yeah, I honestly can't blame anyone for not trusting what health organizations say at this point