kalinaOctober 9, 2023

I studied computer science and I've had several women say to me they wouldn't have dared to pick a field of study and later career that is so male dominated. I think a lot of women are just scared they will get endless harassment, and not without reason.

ClarusOctober 9, 2023

I've read a lot on this subject and found that women often outperform boys, but get pushed out of STEM careers early due to the general sexism, belief that STEM careers aren't for women. It's important that there's support systems, women's STEM groups and mentors, at all levels from a very young age to the college level.

[Deleted]October 9, 2023

I did the scientific career! I can only say for me it was absolutely the right decision, although personally I did leave academia to work in industry. My reasons were the low pack check and the job insecurity, both of which are not issues in industry.

Companies here are really doing a lot for women and are trying to attract women. We are seeing rapid change in the younger years, hiring more women every year. I'm really optimistic and really happy in my job.