The Copernicus Climate Change Service, the European Union's Earth Observation Programme, has just released this article in which they summarize that temperatures reached exceptionally high levels in 2023.

As someone who is in the environmental field and that has seen all the burnout in said field, I am... Tired.

Echoing others in this sub, I worry that conditions on Earth will continue to get worse and worse. I have no idea what my future will look like now, and I'm not even close to what my country considers the median age that most currently are at.

I definitely can't imagine bringing any child into this world, and I am so sad for the younger generations after me, who seem to have so much to give to the world. They will be finding more and more being stacked against them, with scarce resource availability compounding on top of it all.

Honestly, I hate feeling this negative, but it seems (more often than not) that the more you know about this field, the worse you feel about our chances for any semblance of a normal future.

WitchPleaseJanuary 9, 2024

Where I live (southern hemisphere, summer now) we are having record high temperatures. It used to get to 32°C in the hottest days in my mountain town, rarely going higher than that. Yesterday it was 39°C, which I don't think has ever happened, surely never in my lifetime. The sun burnt the grass and killed some flowers in our garden. I was walking home in the late afternoon and thought I was going to pass out from the heat.

That is horrifying. I hope you are able to have resting periods and lots of water!

It barely got that hot here where I am for our summer, but wow... That smoke was the worst I had ever seen it. The sun was blocked out for many days, and the burnt smell was so unusual.

Our winter has been very messed up, too. Just a lot of rain and foggy days in general. I can imagine it will get worse this year, unfortunately.

CaeruleaJanuary 10, 2024

Last summer, the grass everywhere around here died. That has never happened in my lifetime. I am not even in a warm area.

Sistersovermisters [OP]January 11, 2024(Edited January 11, 2024)

Oh wow, it was that dry???