I did really like Schopenhauer. I know, people say he was a jerk to his mom, but his philosophy was one that I just totally clicked with... Always find it a little weird trying to judge these sorts of things, whether to count yourself among a more "intelligent" group, but on the other hand it is frustrating seeing just how incapable some portion of people seem to be of seeing fairly clear facts, so it's worth remembering that average intelligence is only 100 IQ. You don't have to be a genius to be out of place in lots of ordinary situations. Anyway, interesting perspective & whether it's accurate or not, allows a feeling of relatability for those times you feel like you're not being heard. It's a tough world whatever qualities you've got and it does seem like the only route is to find your crowd.
I don't think I agree with this to be honest. This seems like some guy just kinda sat down and lamented about how "hard" it is to be smart, seems like fart-sniffing content.
Yeah, I somewhat got that vibe, too. I mean, the stuff on geniuses having been lonely outcasts might be true, but if so, that seems more likely to be due to their theories not being well-received (Darwin definitely falls into that category) rather than a kneejerk reaction of hating smart people.
I personally never felt any dislike towards people smarter than me - I certainly was often hated by people I'd consider stupider than me, but that was probably for other reasons. (Except for those who are genderists.Their hatred is a direct result of being stupid - though many genderists have a high IQ, so ...)
Intelligent people also might be more likely to be socially awkward, but I know quite a few people with crazy intelligence who are very good with people. (Interestingly, though, there seems to be a tendency for such people to be school dropouts - but I guess that makes sense. If you are very intelligent, school is likely to bore you, and if you are good with people, you are more likely to have the confidence that you can make it without formal education.)
Hm. I am not sure I believe this theory. I've never felt uncomfortable around intelligent people when they just stand there and say nothing. (In fact I almost exclusively socialize with people who are objectively smarter than I. My family is probably smarter than I, too, although not by that much, in term of IQ.)
I agree that it makes me feel uncomfortable and stupid when someone who is good at maths of physics or stuff talks about their area of expertise, because then I have zero to contribute to the conversation. But that's it.
Idk. Not convinced. It may be that due to being on the autistic spectrum, I don't worry about status instinctively, but I can't say I've ever felt an instinctive dislike towards people who either have a higher measured IQ than I, or achieved more academically.
I honestly think we're better off spending time with people who are smarter than us and/or better at things we value than us. That's how we can improve ourselves.
Oppression of smart ppl seems like a very new atheist, edglelord complaint. Abrasive ppl who spout statistics to "own" other ppl will get ostracised.
Simultaneously, it also reminds me of some strict religious circles Ive known where questions and displays of talents greater than the dear leaders can lead to punishment.
Puddinhead Wilson, by Mark Twain, does a good job of illustrating this dynamic.
AI will be more intelligent than everyone soon, I wonder how it will play out once it is outside human social dynamics.
This is the first time I've ever heard that "smart people aren't liked." I don't believe it's actually true.