I've still got a whole bunch of races by Austin Killips to upload, but even so, we've now documented over 200 awards that women have lost to men in sports and other venues in "women's" categories. It's now in the hundreds, officially, and I know our site has only scratched the surface. If you know of any awards/scholarships/places won by TiMs that are not already on this list, let me know. Just DM me. People think this theft is rare--it's not, it now very common.
SheWon.org is where you can find the list we have.
Thanks so much for documenting this! Can we donate to help boost the site a bit, for example, so it loads a thumbnail image when sharing the link on social media? When I share the url on twitter, for example, no image from the site loads in the tweet. I'm not an expert, maybe other women here can help us with this.
Thank you. This helps everyone speak accurately and openly about women's lost opportunities.