Update on SheWon!
Posted January 21, 2024 by WatcherattheGates in SaveWomensSports

Hi, everyone, we keep plugging away at SheWon.org! We now 723 sports results where a woman was bumped by a man--and I still have over 200 names still in the queue to be put on site! (There is a queue because it takes time and effort to clean and verify the results that folks submit before we make them live.)

More excitingly, we now have a page (https://www.shewon.org/males ) that lists known TiMs in sports. If you know of any more TiM individuals that are not on that list--we found a new TiM athlete just tonight!--DM me. We want as comprehensive a list as possible.

Shout-out to the developer from Ovarit who created the new page, who is a shero! :-)

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