An investigative journalist got his hands on Khelif's medical records from the Paris hospital where he was tested in 2023. He wrote an article with screenshots from the medical report showing that Khelif has XY chromosomes, 5-alpha reductase deficiency (the same DSD as Caster Semenya), a micropenis, internal testicles and male testosterone levels.
Did we call it, or did we fucking CALL it, ladies?
The investigative journalist is Djeffar Ait Aoudia. He's been a major player in French journalism for around 25 years, and he also happens to be French Arab, which is handy in that it kills any claims that this news is motivated by racial bias.
Here's Ait Aoudia's article, in French but google translate, Babel Fish or your browser itself can translate it:
And here's the Reduxx post that broke the news in English and linked to Ait Aoudia's article: