Is the Peyton McNabb story true?
Posted March 9, 2025 by Eava in SaveWomensSports

I saw online people questioning the story about Peyton McNabb's injuries, claiming that she played softball and basketball in 2023, months after she was supposedly severely injured by a TIM playing volleyball. The claim is Peyton suffers from partial paralysis, memory and other neurological impairments from the injury.

At first I thought people were confusing Peyton with a younger cousin who attends the same school and shares the same last name, but there are sports stats for Payton McNabb for the 2022-2023 softball season. Peyton was injured in September 2022, softball season is in the Spring, so the stats are after her injury.


Do I have the wrong Peyton McNabb? Because otherwise the claim her athletic career was ended isn't true. And her stats between the 2022 and 2023 season don't look like what you'd expect from someone playing with partial paralysis and neurological problems.

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