Psychiatric treatment or torture? (2021) - A documentary about how convicted sex offenders at an Ontario psychiatric facility were sent to be therapists for women with mental illness
Posted November 2, 2021 by jon in Television

Wasn't sure on the right circle, but I thought this documentary would be interesting to people

  • convicted sex offenders at an Ontario psychiatric facility were sent to be therapists for women with mental illness
  • Outrageous treatment of people, under the guise of "latest treatments", cheered on by government and locals

just an awful example, from not long ago, about how badly institutions can treat people IN PLAIN SIGHT


Originally found here, FYI https://www.reddit.com/r/Documentaries/comments/qktgvn/psychiatric_treatment_or_torture_2021_a/


drdeeisbackMay 10, 2024

10 things you're actually saying when you 'tell me your pronouns':

You want me to think you're different from other people. You want me to think you're a member of a marginalised and vulnerable group. You want me to use up a substantial amount of bandwidth thinking about you at all times. You're not interested in actually engaging with me as another human, you're using me to prop up the story going on inside your head.

What else to add to the list?

[Deleted]May 10, 2024

You believe you have the right to control how I speak about and perceive you

You want me to join your game of pretend.

You believe you alone have a right to control the meanings of words.

MandyMay 10, 2024

You don't respect my perceptions of the world.

hellamomzillaMay 10, 2024
  1. My eyes work.
  2. I understand the realities of human biological sex.
  3. The United States has freedom of speech and you cannot compel me to lie for your comfort.
  4. There’s also freedom of association, and I literally want nothing to do with you.
[Deleted]May 10, 2024
TheKnittaSpacePopeMay 10, 2024(Edited May 10, 2024)

AKA “pack your bags, we’re going on a guilt trip!”

  1. Reality exists no matter how much you wish it didn’t.

  2. I decide how I see the world and what language I use.

  3. Quit expecting me to lie for you.

  4. Quit expecting everyone else to lie for you.

  5. Quit lying to yourself.


sylviasmushroomsauthentic bagMay 10, 2024
  1. I do think I know you better than you know yourself, actually. Cluster B personalities are often in denial about their behavior and very good at rationalizing it to cast themselves as the victim, even when they’re making unreasonable demands and being abusive to those around them. Even non-TIP cluster Bs have unstable senses of identity. I don’t think you know yourself at ALL.

  2. It hurts me to lie repeatedly, and you don’t give a shit. It hurts me to be treated like a prop in your roleplay, and you don’t give a shit. It hurts me to turn every interaction with you into an exhausting Stroop test, and YOU DON’T GIVE A SHIT.

  3. Your sense of safety is irrelevant. Statistically you pose more of a threat to yourself than I ever could to you, but you’ll be REALLY mad and throw a Facebook tantrum if I call the cops to do a wellness check on you as someone who actually takes those threats seriously.

  4. Your identity ISN’T real and shouldn’t be acknowledged outside of your own head, where it doesn’t matter and actually is cringe AF even when it’s not actively insulting to the group you are trying to masquerade as.

  5. Everyone around you DOES disrespect you. The ones who do what you want and play along know you’re pretending, and they’re infantilizing you and patronizing your delusion like you’re 2 and pretending to be a dinosaur. Also like you’re 2, they’re super worried about making you melt down if they slip up and you get a whiff of what they really think.

  6. Offending you is fine if you’re offended by pretty normal, reasonable things that are actually considered polite by the rest of your society. Saying “sir” and “ma’am,” for instance, is actually a sign of respect. Also, it offends me when TIMs flounce around exaggerating feminine stereotypes looking like monster sasquatches, and when TIFs lock women in a restrictive bimbo-box so they can attempt to opt out of their sex.

  7. A trans day of silence would be really nice. I can hear you talking, but I can’t make sense of the circular reasoning and word salad that you’ve convinced yourself is super deep. Those hormones took a bite out of IQ points you clearly needed, huh?

  8. Being who you truly are would be AWESOME. Too bad you hate him/her so much.

  9. I would prefer if you started being honest with me.

  10. I’m an ally, a friend, and someone you can trust. It’s why I’m honest with you even when you don’t want to hear the truth. It’s why your self-harm and self-sabotage and spiral into narcissism is concerning to me. It’s why I miss the person you were and really can’t stand this stupid offensive persona that reduces you to a selection of curated and cartoonish stereotypes. I’m watching you piss your life away on chasing something you will NEVER have, and I know that when you’re old (or not old at all) and your health problems are mounting from the years of abuse, both of your body and your friends and family, you will have regrets. I’m heartbroken that even when you see what you’ve done to your life, there’s no easy way back (and no way at all to get back the time and body parts you’ve lost). You could have made the best of what you had, which is what most of us want for those we love. You might just as well have picked up a crack pipe for how much you changed for the worse as a result of this anti-science, anti-nature, anti-woman cult.

dotconnectrMay 10, 2024

number 9 tho! hahahahaha! news flash - here's what I'm really saying: "I'd rather be rude than a fucking liar."

DarthVelmaMay 10, 2024

Yup, and for me #8 really should be "Being a perv who wants to invade female-only spaces is a danger to me."

OwnLyingEyesMay 10, 2024(Edited May 10, 2024)

!0 things you're actually saying when you insist people must refer to you with wrong-sex pronouns:

  1. You are not allowed to observe me and draw your own conclusions and opinions about me. You have to take my word on everything, even when the way I describe myself is wildly inaccurate.

  2. I can't distinguish between real threats/harm and being upset that people don't see me as something I'm not but want to be.

  3. Not being able to control how others perceive and respond to me, even in their own heads, makes me feel anxious, which I interpret as being unsafe.

  4. You have to not just believe in my made up identity, but kneel at its altar.

  5. I equate your compliance with the edicts issued from my self-appointed authority over you with respect.

  6. My wants and feelings are the only thing that matters. You're being selfish if you think yours do, too.

  7. You're not allowed to not see things my way.

  8. I don't care how much my living a lie inconveniences or harms you.

  9. I would prefer it if you stopped being honest with me.

  10. If you insist on being honest with me instead of telling me what I want to hear, you are disposable. I might sometimes wonder why all of my relationships with other people feel superficial, but don't ever think about it too long because other painful truths lie down that path.

TheChaliceIsMightierDickPocket=/=VagMay 10, 2024

So basically all the hallmarks of narcissism

OwnLyingEyesMay 10, 2024

That huge Venn diagram overlap between "trans" and cluster B disorders is showing again.

drdeeisbackMay 10, 2024

LOL this is so much better than my list :)

OwnLyingEyesMay 10, 2024

Nah, think we're all on the same page here XD

[Deleted]May 10, 2024

10 things you're actually saying when you demand others adhere to you "pronouns"

  1. I'm a narcissist
  2. I'm a sexist misogynist
  3. I don't respect other people
  4. I think the entire world revolves around me and I get to control language
  5. My personal feelings matter more than reality
  6. I don't think you have a right to think freely
  7. Women don't have a right to protect themselves from men
  8. I get to twist language to suit my needs
samsdatMay 10, 2024

People keep talking about end-stage capitalism, but this is end stage individualism.

TheKnittaSpacePopeMay 10, 2024

They’re the same thing, perhaps.

samsdatMay 10, 2024

Maybe so.

ActualTomboyMay 10, 2024(Edited May 10, 2024)

#1 is funny cause this entire list is nothing but presumptuous leaps of logic about other people who just don’t want to play fantasy games with you.

Women1stMay 10, 2024

OK- let’s apply this logic to something that actually matters- women’s spaces.

What you are saying to women when your cross our boundaries, which are meant to keep us safe from males is:

  1. I would rather hurt you repeatedly than change the way I treat you.
  1. Your sense of safety is not important to me.
  1. Your sex isn't real and shouldn't be acknowledged.
  1. I want to teach all men around me to disrespect you.

6.Offending you and increasing your risk of danger is fine if it makes me feel more comfortable.

  1. I can hear you talking, but I'm not really listening.
  1. Being who you truly are is an inconvenience to me.
BorealForestGC manMay 10, 2024(Edited May 10, 2024)
  1. I know your sex is either male or female, and will use the correct words to reflect that in the language I'm speaking.

  2. This is not about hurting you. I simply refuse to engage in your delusions and deny reality.

  3. If your sense of safety is damaged simply by someone referring to you with the correct pronoun for your sex, you are extra ordinarily privileged and have no real problems.

  4. Your identity doesn't mean anything to me. It's YOUR "identity", not mine. Why do I have to participate in it? And if it's supposedly real, how does it stop being real by my lack of participation in it? I can identify as being 5 meters tall. If I'm not 5m tall, then it doesn't matter how many times I claim that I am, or how many times others tell me that I am. The only thing that matters is what the measuring tape shows when my height is measured in meters. And likewise, if I really was 5m tall, then it doesn't matter how many times others would tell me that my height is 3 meters, it would still in reality be 5 meters.

  5. I don't want to teach anyone anything about you. I simply won't deny the reality of biological sex, that is all. I don't wish to harm anyone. If you perceive that as harmful behaviour, ask yourself sincerely why that is.

  6. Same as point 2. This has nothing to do with offending or not offending you. This is just about not denying reality. And frankly, when someone behaves in such a narcissistic and self centered way, I do take some joy from not participating in their bullshit and seeing them having a meltdown.

  7. I can hear you talking, and all you're saying is meaningless drivel.

  8. If this is really who you are, why is my refusal to participate in your game somehow "invalidating" and "denying" you? What I say doesn't matter. What matters is reality. If you could legitimately demonstrate that what you believe about yourself is objectively true, then you'd understand that it doesn't matter at all what I have to say. Observable reality is all that matters to determine what is real.

  9. You're lying to me by denying your own sex, whose accuracy is possible to determine objectively by all kinds of observable physical characteristics, and immutable biological markers. This is a primary reason that sex-denying people like you don't want to participate in any objective tests to determine once and for all what they really are. You know you're lying, and you're trying to suppress it.

  10. I don't care about being an ally or friend to you. You'd just be an energy drainer to me. Live your life as you see fit, without harming others, and I will do the same.

[Deleted]May 10, 2024

1 thing you're actually saying when you make lists to police other people: I need to get a life.

RusticTroglodyteOliver Twist MuppetMay 11, 2024

This is absolutely correct and I'm going to list why,

  1. Idk, but I know what sex you are
  2. Yes, sometimes the truth hurts
  3. My use of pronouns will not make you unsafe
  4. Yes.
  5. No, lying is disrespectful
  6. It's not my problem if English pronouns offend you, so yes.
  7. Yes, but that's unrelated to pronouns.
  8. Yes, but also unrelated to pronouns.
  9. You already aren't being honest with me so whatever.
  10. That's a risk I'm willing to take.
EdelgardMay 10, 2024

1 thing I'm actually saying when I ignore someone's gender pronouns: "pronouns refer to someone's sex."

That's it.

CryingInYourInboxMay 10, 2024

Offending the birthing body menstruator people with ovaries is fine as long as I'm comfortable

GenXerMay 10, 2024

The number one thing I'm saying when I don't use your pronouns is...

I don't accept the version of the world your p0rnsickness has made you believe because you are a man and I am a woman. Entitled men will never be women. Oh, and "be kind".

TheKnittaSpacePopeMay 10, 2024(Edited May 10, 2024)

Aside: it’s curious how, in North America and many European countries at least, apparently ‘marginalised and vulnerable’ groups are announcing that they are before they say anything else, nowadays. For such a picked-on, in danger of actual violence and genocide population group, they sure are vocal about advertising they’re members of this ‘vulnerable’ class. Almost as if they expect special treatment by using these labels, knowing they have nothing to fear by their ‘marginalised’ status…🤔

drdeeisbackMay 10, 2024

Yes - I was thinking about that when I saw that video of the drunk woman having a meltdown when dealing with a police officer. Given how risky it has always been for people in marginalised groups to navigate encounters with the police, how is it a good idea to actually TELL a police officer that she's a member of one or more of these groups?

VestalVirginMay 10, 2024(Edited May 10, 2024)

I sure wouldn't tell anyone that I'm a woman if I had the choice! It would be very private information I would only tell my gynecologist. (And the waiting room would be full of women in hoodies, because we wouldn't want it to get out that we're female.)

Imagine, a world where half of all attempted rapes happen to penispeople because the rapists couldn't tell whom to rape! Police sure would crack down harder on it, too! (And the police would contain a lot more women if the policemen didn't know whom to sexually harrass, and whom not to promote.)

The only persecuted people who ever had the opportunity to just not tell anyone of their status were people of minority religions. Genderpeople sure don't act like persecuted Catholics who have to hide their priest in a hole in the wall when the authorities come knocking!

VestalVirginMay 10, 2024

Oooch, let me think ...

  1. "I think you are one very stupid person."
  2. "I also refuse to play along with your stupid games."
  3. "I refuse to define myself as subhuman fucktoilet by pretending that you, who consider yourself human, are therefore not a woman".
  4. "I refuse to lick your boots by pretending that you are a woman when everyone can see that you are a man."
  5. "Yes, I AM judging you for having advocated for men in women's spaces, enabling goddess knows how many rapists thereby."

Their assumption that I am silently judging them and that I cannot stand them is totally correct, but not the way they think it is.

OnlyHumanMay 10, 2024

For number 8, why is my true self less valid than your true self 😭 am I an inconvenience to you?

RusticTroglodyteOliver Twist MuppetMay 10, 2024

From someone who has been through pperiods of actual unsafe hell in my life, it's so fucking obnoxious when ppl try to say that being called by their birth sex makes them "unsafe"

[Deleted]May 10, 2024

That’s a hell of a lot of baggage and mental health issues to put on total strangers.

RusticTroglodyteOliver Twist MuppetMay 10, 2024

Right?? Like i would love if everyone I interacted with did it exactly the way I prefer. But life just isn't like that.

The best way to go through life imo is to have zero expectations of 99% of ppl.

I have zero expectations for:

  • the general public

  • employees at businesses I patronize

  • my family

I have very low expectations of my friends. The only thing I ask of them is that we text at least occasionally. We are all busy and have families so I have no expectations that I'll even see some long distance friends for months or years at a time.

Expectations are just pre-planned disappointments

GenderHereticMay 10, 2024

10 things you're actually saying when you decide to edumacate the twansphobes:



  3. WAAAAH!








hard_headed_womanMay 10, 2024

Five things I'm saying when I ignore your pronouns.

No, you don't look like a woman.

No, I don't have to pretend you're a woman.

No, I'm not your friend.

No, I don't want to be your friend.

And No, I'm not unsafe; you're just crazy!

HEReticMay 11, 2024

Well, I definitely do agree with number 4.

DoubleAntandreMay 11, 2024
  1. What kind of eavedropping asshole are you anyway? The pronouns I use for you in your presence are "you" and "yours." If you had any decency, you'd tell me who's ratting me out to you. That's the person winding you up, not the person using pronouns to indicate reality.
crodishMay 11, 2024

4 yes. but 9 lmao. the cope. self victimization is so real in this cult.

the entire reason 4 exists is because 9 is already in effect.