DiscussionAnyone else just shocked at season 4 of Umbrella Academy
Posted August 12, 2024 by ToNorth in Television

On the previous post about this I commented that I would just watch clips and summaries but WOW, wow, WOOOOOW. Wtf was that lmfao???

Holy hell I gave up on this show in season 3 and the writing for that was already shit to me. But what in the world was this.... Are showrunners just incapable of finishing a show in a decent way anymore?? Why does it always end in a fantastically cartoonishly bad manner nowadays.

I found a lot happened behind the scenes that led to this, mainly the Netflix problem. They barely wanted to greenlight season 4 and cut down the 10 episodes to 6 as well as the budget but damn. I think a lot of people walked into this show hoping for fantastical messed up family dynamics and shenanigans. And it just kept refusing to give us that. Like any time the siblings got close they were torn apart again, for nothing.

Some of the plot points whew boy, so basically as soon as Fives actor hit legal age, they put him together with Lila's actor(and they had VIBES from season 3, when he was still a minor, intentionally apparently). Like I get narrative but this was straight weird on the showrunners part.

And then them all turning into marigolds....literal marigolds, like the flower. That's the ending.For what. So at the end the conclusion to family trauma and trauma in general is kill yourselves? World is better off without you?? Lol. Thank god I haven't been emotionally invested in this show for yrs. Like woop the people are def upset about this one, as they should be, but most of us saw the writing on the wall at the end of season 2.

This was some crazy shit ngl, I can't believe they really put this out there.


WokeuplateJanuary 4, 2024

It is a comprehensive account. Her message is “You were told, you knew, and here’s the proof.”

VasilisaJanuary 4, 2024

It has very low rating on Goodreads, lots of one star ratings without any comment. Quite inexplicable /s.

I will read it and leave a good review (I am sure it will be well deserved, based on the previous “The abolition of sex”).

HeartOnTheWallJanuary 4, 2024

I recently read that Goodreads is has been overtaken by overly partisan cultural activists. It's too bad, I used to find it to be useful and balanced.

pennygadgetJanuary 4, 2024

Yeah, Goodreads is a shit show. Handmaidens and wannabe activists just mass down vote any book/author that doesn't go along with their trendy politics

TSTat1400January 4, 2024

Funny.. it has excellent ratings on Amazon with extensive user reviews.

CaeruleaJanuary 4, 2024

I assume Amazon only lets buyers of the product review?

pennygadgetJanuary 4, 2024

Yes. Amazon only let's you review a product if you actually bought it from them. It helps prevent spam reviews

TSTat1400January 4, 2024

I believe so.

HollyhockJanuary 4, 2024

Kara Dansky rocks! I'm thrilled she wrote this!

pennygadgetJanuary 4, 2024

I'll have to buy this when I have spare time! I'm looking forward to seeing her examine this subject in depth