DiscussionBi-Weekly K-Drama Discussion [11/17 - 11/30] Inaugural Post!
Posted November 17, 2024 by floral in Television

Welcome to the Bi-Weekly K-Drama Discussion!

I had so many suggestions for k-dramas in the first thread I made that I decided to see if there may be enough interest to do a discussion thread. I figured bi-weekly is basically twice a month, so even though there are limited posters here and many of us are busy with "real life" maybe we can at least get together and discuss what dramas we're watching occasionally. I'm going to try my best to hold myself accountable to remember to post this thread! For this thread I nicely ask if you discuss any plot points, but feel free to mention "generic" basic parts of a series without a spoiler tag. You won't be yelled at or anything, but if someone decides to watch a show based on your rec, they may not want to know the plot, right? I figured this may be an easy format that would allow us to discuss what we most recently watched, what we're watching now and what we plan to watch next to see if anyone has opinions on them. I'll be posting my own in a separate comment in a few minutes to get the ball rolling.

When talking about the site here, people said they wanted to see more varied posts in circles and different topics to engage in, so I figured I would try to "be the change" ... plus it'll keep me accountable for making sure to consume more Korean media in my language learning journey. If we get enough participation, maybe eventually I'll even try to organize a show we watch together that we vote on or something.

What should you watch next? Hopefully this thread will start creating organic recs but... If you missed it and need some help deciding what your next show to watch is, I had a thread asking for favorite k-dramas not too long ago.

TOO LONG, DIDN'T READ? Bi-weekly thread to chit chat about drama, spoiler tags please, the format is optional

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