DiscussionNetflix: Who Killed Jonbènet Ramsey
Posted November 26, 2024 by Itzpapalotl in Television

I was wondering if anyone has watched this? Even if you haven’t watched it, do any of you have any thoughts on the case? I’d love to hear them...

I don’t know why but it’s a case that’s always captured my interest (I was born in 1996 - could be why? Could be my interest in the macabre and evils of humanity?...could be the mystery of it all?...idk)

I’m really not sure what I think happened or who I think is guilty - my opinions have changed somewhat - naturally I ran to my favourite website to see what you all think 😅

So, after watching this I did think John Ramsey was far more sympathetic and likeable than I’d anticipated...I’ve always leaned towards thinking the parents possibly covered up what Burke did (accidentally, I’d like to believe) so as to avoid losing both their children? Or perhaps that they did it themselves to cover up child abuse?...now I really don’t know.

It feels so horrible to think her family did it, she was just a poor little girl :( this doc made it seem like she was very loved by her mum n dad...I’m leaning towards the intruder theory now? Maybe? I feel bad for thinking the parents had anything to do with it...only because imagine (IF they’re innocent) being accused of molesting and murdering your own kid ☹️

OTOH I think child beauty pageants are DISGUSTING and exploit young girls - dressing a six year old in sexualised outfits (skimpy, with heels, makeup, swimwear) and parading her in front of judges, who value looks above personality, telling them they are prettier or uglier than their peers, is horribly irresponsible and borderline negligent/abusive (I wish we lived in a world where a little girl could wear these things and not be sexualised, but we don’t and never will) in this respect, I do not like John and Patsy (in much the same way I think the Mccann’s were awful for leaving their kids alone, regardless of whether they’re guilty of anything else or not)

I simply don’t know what to think, I’m stumped. I really hope this crime gets solved (not just to satisfy my curiosity, but because an innocent little girl deserves justice) it’s one of several cases that I always return to (along with Maddie McCann, Asha Degree and the Delphi Murders)

Anyway - please share your thoughts!

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