Why do radfems love Daenerys Targaryen?
Posted December 10, 2024 by QueenSansa in Television

I got several downvotes in another thread for saying she is not a feminist icon and she is a mass murderer who benefits from slavery. She really enjoys burning people alive by dragonfire, the worst way to die since dragonfire is magical and hotter than normal fire.

Her first kill was burning a gangrape victim alive. The same victim who tried to help her and her husband. Her spells didn’t work because Danerys and Drogo didn’t listen to her advice.

Her husband Drogo makes a big speech promising to rape women and enslave children when he invades Westeros for her. Look at her face during that scene, she is so proud and excited.

Her husbands tribe raid villages and kill and rape in order to finance her conquest of Westeros. When women are raped by her husbands soldiers, she tells the soldiers that they should take the women as their wives instead of slaves, as if they makes a difference.

She proudly leads an army of Dothraki who are known for their mass gangrapes and keeping slaves.

She keeps Jon as a hostage on Dragonstone and only agrees to help fight the army of the dead if he bends the knee. She burns anyone alive who refuses to bend the knee to her.

In the books, she sexually abuses her handmaiden named Irri and she thinks that Irri answers like a slave because she has nowhere to go.

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