An interesting video! I remember my mother watching this show in the early 2000s and such. I was always horrified when I'd be walking by and hear Samantha or someone else moaning. Was I being groomed by that TV show? I don't know.
Anyway, I know that someone's going to bring this up, so I'll be critical of the term sexually liberated. A woman engaging in hook-up culture is not liberated. Liberated from what? Not the risks of pregnancy, sexually-transmitted diseases/infections, or increases chances of male violence. I suppose that a woman who has a husband is possible financially liberated, but that's still not without risks. Crucially, a woman engaging in hook-up culture likely doesn't have this financial benefit and only has increased risks.
I'll share this clip from Einstein on the Beach. I've included a quote below:
My sisters, we are in bondage and we need to be liberated. Liberation is our crime. Just yesterday, I talked with a woman who is the mother of fifteen children. And she said, "Yes! I want to be liberated from the bedroom."
On the topic of supposed sexual liberation, the show was very cynical in its first season and could have portrayed hooking up in a somewhat realistic way, but it took a turn toward being upbeat. Thereafter, it was extremely unrealistic about the prospect of getting good sex from hookups. They rarely experienced bad sex.
There’s a real rise in SATC content all of a sudden. I guess it’s just nostalgia coupled with HBO trying to get something out of the mess of the sequel.
It’s a very soap opera series in that people will just change personality over night and plot threads just disappear.
It is really about selling you high-end brands. The product placement in that show is insane.
I think it was made available on Netflix, so more people are watching it (plus the nostalgia factor).
Interesting she’s so down on Samantha. S usually gets the Yaaas queen write-up. I didn’t find Sam particularly empathetic until she got breast cancer and then I thought Kim Cattrall stole the show acting wise.
It’s funny because I used to like Miranda when I was young and wet but now I think Charlotte is the only vaguely sane one because she left Kyle Mcclachlan whereas Steve…..?!?!?!
I disagree with the evolutionary argument.
Do tell?
Is it the idea that men evolved to be promiscuous as a superior reproductive strategy?
Cuz I'm not convinced by that either. for several reasons. One of which is that men dont know if a woman is fertile. If he is consistently with the same woman then he has a good chance of hitting the fertile window.
Sex and the City is one of those shows that I loved as a teenager but it's become unwatchable for me as an adult, especially after discovering radical feminism. As a non-straight woman this might not be my place to volunteer this opinion, but I kind of just find it depressing that these beautiful, successful women's entire lives seem to revolve around men.
To be fair, Carrie's literal job is writing a sex and dating column so I guess it's pretty unfair to criticize her for her insane focus on men. But things like Samantha having sex at work and giving random delivery men oral sex? That's not empowering to me. It felt embarrassing. Like someone who was obsessed with porn wrote the script.
I can see why it was progressive for the 90s, but I just feel like it hasn't aged very well. And the reboot is horrific, lol.
Candice Bushnell was the writer or at least the subject of the show. She came from a rich family who wrote the column Sex and The City. She was a real woman and a socialite in NYC.
Oh lord, that fucking reboot....
The one good thing about the reboot is that it accurately portrays how insufferable and narcissistic the non-binaries are. 🤣