DiscussionAnyone want to talk about the show Glee?
Posted January 22, 2025 by ToNorth in Television

This was one of those shows that had us all in a chokehold. I wasn't a Gleek back in the day but the cultural impact was definitely felt. And I actually kinda miss that. That period of time had so much impactful media that had everyone tuning in, messy and not messy but definitely interesting. I would catch the show whenever it was on tv and I was definitely entertained.

Just gonna write and not think too much about it here.

Let me start by saying, Mr.Schue was actually nuts. Like when I catch you fr. Wow was this dude so inappropriate and cringe. I still remember the weird ass seduction song he did for that one teacher, ugh the full body cringe. Also his multiple performances with children that were absolutely not right. Sue was so right about him honestly especially that Kesha performance, she was crazy but she knew she was crazy and was also entertaining. He just always thought he was right and moral but was actually a major dick. And an asshole to the kids, the mind Games whew boy.

Honestly Rachel wasn't as bad as people say, she was annoying as all hell but in terms of mess she shared that position with a lot of the other divas on that show. The one thing I could never get with is her getting into Nyada when Kurt didn't, it was for the plot and an obvious ass pull but she was so awful right after highschool. Like why leave school, and then her play for a tv show and then bomb that lol. And yet still succeed, she was good but she wasn't that good.đź’€

I think they just needed to follow the original cast instead of introducing these new kids, the only good new cast came out at the very last season. The new cast was so boring and Unique was such a creep, we were supposed to feel sorry for him but nope. Though the plot point of Schue choosing twerking over Unique getting a bathroom outside of the girls/boys to go to was such a peak example of his dramatic loser choices as a teacher. Also his poor Spanish.

Love her or hate her, Santana was entertaining. Such an asshole but she was consistent with it and that's more then I can say for anyone else, her struggle with her sexuality was portrayed well to me. And I'm glad her and Brittany got a happy endings, despite the drama and bs plots lol.

So much of the music was good, say what you want I still listen to Glee versions of songs. 4 minutes, Telephone, Glad you came, Annie are you okay, are all bangers. The cast worked super hard on those performances, you can really tell this show was hard work if nothing else. The guest stars were always interesting lol, even Gwenyth Paltrow was on this thing, hell Kate Hudson was too!

Quinn deserved better and so did her actress. I don't know what Ryan's problem with her was but it impacted the script in a shit way. Cory dying was heartbreaking but I feel they handled it well on the show. One of the only instances of them doing that, rare maturity from Ryan's camp. I liked how we never had a cause for the death, just the emotions and the impact of it.

Tina was underused, you could see how awesome she was in the last seasons. I hate Blaine, man but was he so annoying. I think Kurt should of ended up with someone else instead of sticking with the one dude he got into a relationship with in highschool. Especially with how much work he had to do to get with Blaine and keep Blaine. Gaslighting toad to me. Anyways low-key a Sebastian/Kurt shipper so that's my bias on that. But I'd settle for anyone aside from Blaine.

I really missed the cast once the new cast was introduced, I would have actually appreciated the show following them and seeing where they all need up and how they struggled with what they wanted to do.

The cast of this show had so much scandal and tragedy. As always peace to Corey and Naya, gone too soon. Absolutely burn in hell to the pedo, what a cowardly piece of shit. Leah Michelle is annoying but the hate for her is overblown as hell, and downright fucked up(she can't read meme? Come on now). Chord Overstreet, I still remember you for that one great song Hold On and I thought you were a band before I realized that was your name lol. And that you are the guy from Glee.

Anyways, would love to hear your thoughts lol.

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