So many women! So few presented for the male gaze! Offbeat, quirky, radical (in the sense that they'd never be able to include that song if it were a Hollywood production) ... (watching it on prime)
I was especially impressed with the writing with respect to ...
the response of the male subordinate when she asks him to do something (it's priceless and sooooo revealing) (bit of a spoiler here, but he says "And who would I delegate that to?") (she stares at him in disbelief for a moment, then says something like "To yourself, you would be the person you delegate it to")
the implicit comparison between the male lab person's engagement with her and the female lab person's engagement with her; not only in the first case, the 'You're not doing me a favour, this is your job!' thing (yes! I've noticed how men turn it into 'I'm doing you a favour' ... even men I've hired to fix the plumbing or do a repair), but also how in the second case, she is given the findings almost immediately AND the lab tech has anticipated another test to be done AND has done it AND and conveys those findings as well unasked (no wonder her response is 'I love you!')
But that's it, isn't it? Men sabotage our work with that petty microaggressive shit, making every little thing a struggle, making her ask over and over, indeed beg, making her job harder than it should be, more frustrating than it should be, and making her less successful at her job, no small consequence; it adds up, over days, months, years, no wonder we're exhausted, no wonder we quit ... imagine if she'd been able to work with the female lab tech all those years ... And thing is, most women don't even realize this; we take it as the norm. (Indeed it is, for men interacting with women.)
I discovered it by accident one year when I showed up early to give a guest lecture in a colleague's class, and as I stood outside the door, I was amazed--the students were quiet, attentive, no one was interrupting him, no one was challenging his every claim--and then I was so angry! No wonder I was bracing myself for the resistance every day before I stepped through the door of my classroom, and no wonder I quit!
I loved it, so many good performances in that show and the story was great too.
Finished watching it and I enjoyed it. But I found Cath a bit annoying - too needy.
Abby wad my favourite character!