DiscussionAny Avatar : The Last Airbender & Legend of Korra fans here?
Posted March 6, 2025 by Femina in Television

I didn't watch The Legend of Korra yet so don't know much about it but Avatar : The Last Airbender is SO good!

I love how there are so many badass female characters and ZERO female sexualization on the show!

I seriously can not think of even ONE female character in the show that I disliked!

For the male characters I liked Zuko and Aang... Zuko's uncle is pretty cool too... Dude is chill as phock LOL! XD

The previous Avatar with his story with the previous Firelord was pretty cool too...

The others were either entertaining like the crazy King from the Earth Kingdom or forgettable or just plain evil like Zuko's father...

Don't care about Sokka and his sexist ass but at least he gets a bit better though... He does get some points for finding solutions to problems that the others were struggling with like the Hot Air Balloon thing though...

I really liked Azula as a villain! We don't see female characters like her very often on media...

The creators of the show have announced a new animation by the way... : https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Avatar:_Seven_Havens

I also found out there are some novels about Kyoshi a badass previous female Avatar too! : https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/The_Rise_of_Kyoshi & : https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/The_Shadow_of_Kyoshi

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