DiscussionThe "TERF Episode" of Disney's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur
Posted March 23, 2025 by pennygadget in Television

I've been meaning to post about this for a while. And, now that Ovarit is on its way out, I figured its now or never to snark on this thing with my Ovarit sisters

This YouTuber does a masterful summary/takedown of the episode. So I'm just adding my commentary

So this episode was pulled. And, now that its been leaked, we know its not just because a trans kid is featured. Its because the episode is just laughably horrible and misogynistic

The episode is called "Gatekeeper". It's centered on a TIM kid named Brooklyn who wants to play on the girls volleyball team at his school. This team is a diversity checklist in action! It has a TIM! It has a hijabi Muslim girl! It has a twinky gay boy who identifies as non-binary! All the actual girls are handmaidens! And NONE of them are White! The team is called "The Squirrels" in the cartoon. But I shall call them the DEI Hires. 🤣

Brooklyn is thwarted by the evil TERF coach from the opposing team: Coach Greer! She is, of course, a White, Blonde, Middle-Aged woman who looks and acts like every Karen stereotype rolled into one person.

Also, I'm surprised they were creative enough to reference Germaine Greer. I was sure they'd call her something like "Coach KJ Dowling" or "Karen VonTerfington". Because this episode is as subtle as a dead rat pinned to the front of a female-only rape crisis center

Because Brooklyn the TIM is designed to be 100% pretty and passing, Coach TERF doesn't realize he's trans until she overhears him talking about his transness (because of course that's all he does). Coach Greer tries to express her concerns to the DEI Hires' coach. But he man-splains to her that boys have a right to colonize girls sports. And that she's a stupid meanie Karen for being upset that this wasn't disclosed to her sooner

This plot point is odd because the non-binary gay boy is very obviously male in his voice and character design. But Greer doesn't seem to notice him nor have any problem with HIM playing on the girls team. I think this is because TRAs are fucking stupid and don't understand GC arguments. We don't want ANY penis people on girls teams! It doesn't matter if they're straight or flamingly gay. NONE of them belong there!

Anyway, Coach Greer tries to get the TIM ousted for petty bullshit like non-regulation Pride designs on his kneepads (because she cannot use common sense and just tell them not to put boys against her entirely female team). She's painted as an evil, bigoted bitch for this. And the show makes it out that she just has a vendetta against trans people (again, she never complains about the gay boy on the team) and never has her express any actual GC arguments. Because the episode's narrative would fall apart if the character spoke & behaved like an actual GC woman

Cut to the DEI Hires in their locker room. They're shit talking Based Coach TERF. Gay boy says, "Don't tell her I'm non-binary. Her brain might explode"

Which just draws more attention to the fact that it makes no sense for her to ignore this other whole ass BOY on the team!

While the little handmaidens on the team are screeching about how oppressed Brooklyn is, Coach Greer knocks on the door and asks Brooklyn to do the right thing and sit the game out so he doesn't give one of her girls a concussion. The TIM, naturally, refuses to respect women's boundaries. And Coach Greer responds by making creepy-pasta faces and locking them all in the girls locker room so they can't get out and play (seriously, this show does all it can to make her as ugly as possible. Because us TERF bitches only hate trans girls because they're prettier than us, am I right? 🙄)

Once again, they show that they don't understand how being GC works. A rabid GC woman would be equally upset about the non-binary gay boy on the team. And she would NEVER lock two boys into a girls locker room that has biological girls in it (even if all the girls are stupid handmaidens who kiss the TIM's ass)

The episode gets extra weird and stupid from here on out. Apparently, Coach TERF used a magic key to lock them in (I guess she's a witch. Like JK Rowling 🤣). And they have to solve magic puzzles and shit to get out. When they fail to unlock the door despite solving the puzzle, the TIM weeps, "I'm TRANS! My very EXISTENCE breaks all of Greer's rules!!"

Then there's this funny exchange:

TIM: "I don't wanna be a burden! WAAHHH!!"

TWINK KID: "I felt the same when I asked you to use different pronouns for me. Was that a burden?"

Handmaidens: "Of course not!! Neither of you are burdens!! We love you!!"

The scene then turns to all the actual girls on the team kissing the asses of the two boys on the team because of course it does. And I want to remind you that one girl on this team is a hijabi muslim. And yet, she and her family has zero discomfort with her sharing a locker room with two dudes. Because these woke writers understand Muslims and religious people about as well as they understand gender critical feminists

Moving on. The scene then shifts to Brooklyn having a mantrum and pounding his fists on the floor. This breaks the floor and sends them into some weird 8-bit videogame dimension. And its a crazy queer dimension full of rainbows and garish trans colors everywhere because of course it is

The DEI Hires get out of queer limbo, confront Coach TERF, and Brooklyn uses male violence to kick her in the hand hard enough to shatter her magic TERF Key. And they proceed to play after Coach Greer is thrown out of the gym (I'm assuming Coach Greer's team just....plays without their coach??). The end

Wow. No wonder this fucking thing was banned. Forget the genderwoo content. It's just bad. And it doesn't represent the gender critical arguement in any way that even resembles reality. And Coach Greer's portrayal borders on being pure misogyny.

Cartoons like this will go down in infamy alongside the old Looney Tunes where Bugs Bunny wears blackface and yellowface. Disney wont release Song of The South despite it's historical significance. But they made THIS shit recently!? They really have learned nothing

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