Rude_And_TattooedDecember 24, 2023

Exactly the kind of comment I'd expect from a man with the username "very sad Sara"

dracoclawNovember 7, 2023

This reads like he's saying men can't get it up at the sight of him which is not too unreasonable lol

VestalVirginNovember 7, 2023

It sounds like he's threatening to rape our husbands, which I guess is a tiiiny bit less misogynist than threatening to rape us?

But not really much better on the violence scale.

luckyNovember 7, 2023

lol right? doesn't sound like the own he thinks it is

ChaniNovember 7, 2023

If I had a gay husband, I'd want him to have better taste.

PtarmagantNovember 7, 2023


Spencer_ShayyNovember 7, 2023(Edited November 7, 2023)

So... he's going to have sex with men who aren't aroused by him? What kind of self-own is this?

VestalVirginNovember 7, 2023(Edited November 7, 2023)

I am convinced it is a rape threat. Doesn't make any sense otherwise.

Poor hypothetical husbands, getting threatened with rape, even though they never did anything to him. 😥

Spencer_ShayyNovember 7, 2023

Probably. TIMs in particular seem to love rape.

MissBehavedNovember 7, 2023(Edited November 7, 2023)

My husband has had two TIMs hitting on him while he is at work. One of them is relentless. Disgusting pervert even licked the merchandise at the counter... which he didn't buy. He was trying to be sexy. He always struts and leans over to stick out his ass and so on. Total porn brain AGP looking for any attention from men or women.

One time I was there and he noticed me after his flouncing around and my husband addressed me as Honey.

That man sent me such daggers with his eyes lmao. Absolutely seething over the fact that my husband will only ever want an ACTUAL woman- that I, with no makeup, in old jeans and a T-shirt, am infinitely more womanly than he in his fishnets will ever be.

DecaffinatedNovember 7, 2023

I am really confused about what this dude is trying to say…

Are we ugly or are our husbands ugly?

Does he want to have consensual sex with our husbands or rape them?

And why is it he bragging about the fact that the men he wants to have sex with can’t get a boner when looking at him?

VestalVirginNovember 7, 2023

To me it sounds like a rape threat.

Though I guess he deserves a cookie for at least acknowledging that we are people by threatening to rape "our men", when they usually threaten men with raping "their women".🙄

On the other hand, I guess we forced the trans privilege activists to acknowledge us as people by fighting them.

BlackCirceNovember 7, 2023

Trans is a castration-rape-death cult

Artemis_LivesNovember 7, 2023

If a man in a dress can steal your husband, he can have him.

OneryBoxNovember 8, 2023

This is what I always say. If you can "steal" my husband, please take him, I would absolutely not want him anymore.

Carrots90November 8, 2023


Definitely no returns, not even with a recipt. No longer fit for consumption, resale, etc

I consider that hygiene strip definitely broken

istaraNovember 7, 2023

I sometimes wonder if they realise how masculine they sound?

This is such a male threat, to fuck someone else's relative/spouse as an act of aggression or "disrespect".

HexNovember 8, 2023

Always the easiest way to bait them. I don't even have to misgender them, "this is such male thinking" is enough to remind them.

Also his username betrays his real thoughts of himself. In a world where you could name yourself any nickname that best represents you, he chose "verysadsara' followed by a profile pic that blocks his male face. Womp womp.

TheDirtyYumejoNovember 7, 2023

Bold of you to assume I have a husband in the first place 😎

Anzi [OP]November 7, 2023

I was thinking the exact same thing! Do they not realize that there’s a ton of rad fem lesbians? Or single women? Or women who just don’t want to be with men? For someone who is so sure that they’re so knowledgeable about radical feminist beliefs, that they’ll go out of their way to threaten us sure doesn’t seem to know anything about us.

Spencer_ShayyNovember 7, 2023

They don't realize anything because they'll blast "TERFs" as "man hating lesbians" and in the same breath they'll claim they will "steal our husbands". Amazes me how we're so many contractions at once to these pink-and-blue court jesters.

buttermilkNovember 8, 2023

Right? I’m a lesbian. If I ever somehow end up with a husband, anyone would be welcome to take him away.

BlackCirceNovember 7, 2023

noooo please don’t take our scrotes noooo

Spencer_ShayyNovember 7, 2023

lol exactly what I was thinking. Oh no, please don't take the men away. Whatever will we do without them abusing us? /s

BlackCirceNovember 8, 2023

I’m not Dolly Parton, Joe-lene can have my man.

Take the man, leave the cats.

SandybeachNovember 8, 2023

I'm glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read this.

janestnycrk4November 8, 2023


Carrots90November 7, 2023

How do they know my husband has a dick and not a vagina?

RuneOwlNovember 7, 2023

“I’m going to rape straight men and laugh when they don’t find other men attractive!”


GrimfoxNovember 8, 2023

Self own

HyadesNovember 7, 2023

This is awfully "heteronormative" of someone who's in a so-called progressive movement, to assume we all have or want husbands. Lmao

DreamingsirenNovember 7, 2023

I feel like this person has never actually had sex

VestalVirginNovember 7, 2023(Edited November 7, 2023)

Let's hope that, for the sake of all of his hypothetical sex partners. 🤢

OwnLyingEyesNovember 7, 2023

Dear sir,

Prettier men than you have tried and failed, but hope you have as much fun trying as I'll have cackling over your efforts when I hear the story. Also not sure why not being able to coax so much as one lousy erection out of a dude is supposed to be a win for you.

SatanicPanicNovember 8, 2023(Edited November 8, 2023)

Hilarious. My husband literally only has eyes for me (hence my agreeing to marry him, among many other reasons) and can't keep his hands off me. He doesn't even watch porn. People don't believe me about that, but I've known this man for almost 10 years and I believe him.

He's not at all tech savvy and would have a hard time hiding it - he got the same phone as me so I could help him use it! If I tell him about a useful setting he just hands me his phone lmao. Plus he knows I would strongly consider leaving his ass if he were lying to me, which terrifies him.

This person is so delusional. I know from experience that taking a mans attention away from his wife is not an achievement. Most men will shack up with anyone who gives them a chance, especially those who are willing to cheat. It's not a matter of having such a powerful seduction skill that men can't resist you. It's that immoral men have a radar for easy sex, and there is no easier sex than with someone who thinks they they're a seducer.

WanderingWitchNovember 8, 2023

Well good luck with that, dude.

puppy_catNovember 7, 2023

Huh, that's new, I only usually see them threaten to rape women.

Carrots90November 7, 2023

Sounds like there’s to be no fuckin then

lambskinNovember 7, 2023(Edited November 7, 2023)

In my experience, all the TIMs I’ve gotten in verbal scuffles with literally always fall back on superficial, petty insults specifically attempting to “attack” my femininity — “no man wants you, you’re ugly, etcetc” (even more amusing is that my profile picture is nowhere near “ugly”, I assure you) and it’s like… you’re just making it clear you just see women as sex objects for men lmao. The male mentality always reveals itself eventually 😂 And it’s just further proof that ultimately, bending over backwards to fit into the standards of what an “acceptable woman” is considered to be is futile. Even if you’re young and attractive, they will still call you ugly and unwanted. They only want your capitulation and to be allowed to do whatever they please.

Also want to note, it’s not just TIMs who wantonly pull the “ugly” card on a woman they disagree with. The plain ol’ regular men love to do this too.

Spencer_ShayyNovember 7, 2023

Exactly. If it looks, talks, and acts like a man...

TheKnittaNovember 8, 2023

You’d be punched on the nose for trying, but do go off on how you think you can steal straight men from cis women when you’re a bloke. I need a laugh.

[Deleted]November 8, 2023
[Deleted]November 7, 2023
[Deleted]November 7, 2023