No, TERFs aren't sex-obsessed. They're obsessed with not having to put up with those who are sex-obsessed.
TIMs: Suck my girldick. I learned I was a woman from porn. Why don't lesbians have sex with me?
TERFs: Stop raping women. Stop making porn. Stop preying on children.
TIMs: Why are these TERFs obsessed with sex?
It's right up there with "OMG why are you so obsessed with children's genital you freak?" You're obsessed with sexualizing little kids. We're obsessed with protecting them from you.
Lol, not surprised,
at this point, it does nothing but paint them with bad PR, as I'd wager there's not a single real lesbian represented in that thread.
In my years in open and public same-sex spaces, I can attest to NEVER hearing women speak like this. NEVER. Not from lesbians, not from bisexuals, not from heterosexuals. Not even in our grimiest, sex-enclosed spaces have I've ever seen this venomous sort of language.
We don't create a bogeymen out of other demographics and laugh about hate-fucking them. Like at this point, the amount of second hand embarrassment and disgust I have for these male clowns is insurmountable.
We don't create a bogeymen out of other demographics and laugh about hate-fucking them.
This is the key.
This "I want to personally inflict sex upon the object of my hatred" attitude is fundamentally male.
Women do not want to have sex with someone we hate. Women do not want to have sex with someone who is disgusting to us, or who threatens us, or who we wish did not have power over us. When we loathe someone, we do not seek physical contact with them.
It is an aspect of male psychology that, no matter how many times I see it, I simply do not understand and cannot relate to.
They are more male than regular men. Also, I'm going to just send people I argue with these subreddits. Show them that I do listen to trans people, and it made me the terf I am today.
I agree. The comments sound like your classic sexually aggressive male. No different than a dm a woman might get from a creepy guy on a dating app.
Exactly this. Also due to the nature of our bodies unlike men in order to have intercourse we'd have to literally be sharing acess to ourselves in a potentially vulnerable position , in this instance with a person we find repulsive. Which most of us would not like to ever do with an individual we genuinely dislike. I think it goes back to men viewing intercourse as something done to someone else versus something shared with someone else. I've personally seen an alarming amount of comments online by men who mention how they would enjoy hate-expletive a woman they dislike or can't stand as a person. They tell this to anyone who will listen online and in some cases in real life then wonder why we choose the bear🧸.
I don’t understand how a man literally getting his precious dick swallowed up and out of sight by a cavern of pure muscle is not vulnerable. This is more male narrative.
The difference is that it doesn't hurt them to inflict sex on an unwilling participant. If it was as painful for men to rape as it was for us to be raped, they probably wouldn't rape as much.
I've never heard males describe having intercourse with a woman as being vulnerable, so I never thought of it that way. The only things I have heard that allegedly makes males feel vulnerable is when their romantic partner has pertinent information about them that could be used against them. That and rejection, but in all honesty I don't often look into the ways men feel vulnerable in relationships and sex. I more so look into red flags, the crimes they perpetuate against us, and other woman's testimonials and stories so I can hopefully learn how to handle situations with predatory men. Also I wasn't attempting to state that men having intercourse with a partner isn't infact vulnerable even if they don't see it that way. If it came off that way I apologize. My thought was that based on how males perpetrate sexually based offenses at a dispaportionate rate in juxtaposition to woman they must not see intercourse as a vulnerable act shared. I will completely admit that this view of mine is more so supposition than fact.
Even the ones that don't encourage the violent, rapey rhetoric still can't help but defend it.
and i do believe most of the time, the intention is totally good! (I won’t even touch the exchange a few threads above, talking about “showing a terf a bad time” or whatever - it could even be fake, it looks like the kind of thing terfs screenshot and share on twitter to agree with each other about gross “men” in women’s spaces. but that isn’t the majority of what i see, by far!) stuff like this is most often meant just as a pithy way to put down a deserving political enemy, and align ourselves unequivocally with our trans sisters. which on its surface is great! I do think it’s important (maybe especially in These TimesTM) to state unambiguously and with your full chest that you support a vulnerable minority and reject the position of a powerful, oppressive majority, especially if you belong to that oppressive majority’s demographic and you’re stating your allyship. I think the people talking this way usually just aren’t thinking, you know? they’re just repeating rhetoric that floats around in our culture without examining what it really means and what it does. I don’t like it, and want it to stop, for all the reasons already said. but I’m also not reading its presence here as evidence of “male violence” from trans women invading into women’s spaces or whatever. it is some gross male-sexual-violence-coded rhetoric, that has invaded the speech of some percent of trans and cis women alike, because we can’t help but have the culture around us rub off on us, for better or for worse, and if we don’t do some deliberate thinking about it, we end up saying stuff we would not mean if we thought about it for even a minute (eg the whole concept of internalized misogyny or internalized any-kind-of-bigotry). because in case this needs saying, these kinds of rape jokes making women generally feel unsafe and uncomfortable means trans women as well as cis women. many of the people who i’ve talked to who feel like me, that they want to see less of this kind of talk, are trans themselves *edit: i’m already rambling on a bit, but this comment a ways above by u/blinkingsandbeepings articulates it quite well, more succinctly gets at what I was trying to say - kind of assigning collective “blame” diffusely across our whole society, the memetic way ideas and language spread; that it’s not intentional/malicious and not an individual thing
✓ It's fake!
✓ But if it's not, their intentions are good!
✓ But if they're not, they weren't thinking!
✓ But if they were, they can't help it because culture!
✓ But if they can, they don't mean it!
✓ But if they do, it's not their fault!
This defensive reaction is just the finishing touch to all the "evidence of 'male violence' from trans women invading into women’s spaces or whatever".
But according to them it’s not important, especially in these times, to state unambiguously that threatening sexual violence upon women is violently misogynistic and absolutely unacceptable, regardless of your ‘reasons’ for doing so?
Males aren’t a subcategory of women and women aren’t oppressive to males. It’s irritating that tras always frame trans ‘women’ as being oppressed by ‘cis’ women. Why don’t they research which demographic is actually being denied basic rights because of immutable characteristics and then get back to us.
"Transgirls are so much better" - well, in that case I suggest you get busy with each other and leave women alone.
That entire thread is utterly disgusting and made my stomach sink to my toes. I'm unsure why I read the archived link, perhaps out of morbid curiosity, but I did.
You have a valid point that's why when I say fuck {insert bigot variant here} I specify not in a fun way. Most people imply the not in a fun way. Also I keep getting told trans women like myself are good in bed imma have to test that theory when I see my partners next.
Transbians are good in bed, I promise 🙏 my transgirlfriend just fucked me and oh my lord
My gf can confirm that ... She says I have Magic Fingers.
My girlfriend has a magic dick, ngl
Holy shit she did it! She found the right dick! AND SHE’S STILL GAY. SEE THAT FUCKWITS?
Utterly disgusting.
I typically laugh at the things TIMs posts, but this thread got to me, I’ve been depressed all day. The only positive is that it peaked a lot of lesbians.
OMG I'm reading that thread now!
Sucks that the mods locked the topic. Those wusses lol.
This is disheartening. It’s not just men that are out to get women, but women who are allies to these men as well. Women are more worried about making sure men feel comfortable that they’re willing to be complicit in this kind of dialogue.
Ah yes. The comments correctly answer the question, in order stating: rape, mystery violence, rape, projection, and then… the nazi claim. All very feminine things to do. Wow.
These idiots are the same variety that couldn't find the clit with a map narrated to them by David Attenborough.
Well at least one of them said the quiet part out loud! This is actually a great way to examine why men associate sex with hate and violence.
"[T]he entire world".... Ha. If they think the ENTIRE world hugboxes them, got a few good countries in Africa, East Asia, or the Middle East I'd LOVE to drop them off in the middle of.
While they are squeeing about how the "whole world believes they are right"... Their asses would be punted off a tall building.
How could you leave this out:
Spoken like someone who's definitely not a sex-obsessed creep.
Meanwhile no TERF ever considers fucking a TIM. Not to teach him a lesson or otherwise. Jfc.
How very male, dudes.
Literally the entire thread proves they’re sex obsessed creeps. The fixation on having sex with women they know damn well would never be interested is rapey as hell and would make any actual woman feel unsafe.
I didn’t see that 😨 The whole thread is a black hole of misogyny and lesbophobia.
They can't in fact give you a good time outside of sex -not that I've had sex with one- as most of us who've hung out with them learned the hard way. They're miserable, insecure, and every word you say is scrutinized