Ironically, this was posted under an image of TERFS being equated to modern day witches, and everyone in the comments making fun of the equation. Eh, I see Haindmaidens as the real Bootlickers for the patriarchy, Big Pharma, gender roles and men’s rights.
Edit- also the title I meant to say Facebook instead of Reddit.
There are certain groups of people that I don’t like. Most people would agree with me on most of those groups, such as the KKK, but I have still never threatened violence against them. I very rarely see them threatened with violence from anyone else either, even the rabid TRAs who just love to compare being trans to being black. This level of rage is only ever levelled against women. Handmaidens need to know that joining in with this will never protect them.
They're treating random women with opinions the same way one might momentarily fantasize about taking a sandpaper belt to the very-worst-of-the-worst pedophiles. That's staggering since many of the people involved on the TRA side are legitimately pedophiles or sympathizers.
“Feminists” beating up radical feminists, lesbians beating up women? They seem confused with the labels, should be the TQ+ beating up everyone.
As a democratic socialist myself, most leftists don't have sound morals. Hamas is their idea of a resistance movement, so their hatred towards us means nothing to me (I'm assuming they're leftists because of the Anarcho-Commie group icon).
For that, true & honest anarcho-commie, you would have to go outside. Which you won't do. Because you are a slacktivist cry baby. ACAB fanbois that will contact the police as soon as they're 'misgendered'.
I've been a 'conservative' socialist as long as I can remember (conservative as in caring about the lower classes, not the feefees of upper middle class men in dresses) and anarcho commies always were the saddest of the bunch of leftists down here.
It's honestly weird to me.
I do not feel any desire to beat a trans person. I do not want to watch someone else beat a trans person. I do not celebrate the idea of someone beating a trans person. I do not want it to be legal, let alone celebrated, to beat trans people.