Wow- a bunch of rapey threats. Totally sounds like just another woman…
This is what they are. All of them. More of them are starting to say it out loud. But this is what they feel and want to do to women.
They proudly send these violent woman-hating messages and then later backtrack and gaslight women that this "never happens".
This sounds psychotic.
Why are they so rapey? I know it’s cos they’re men, but these men are the very worst male dregs of society.
I don't understand what type of person you would have to be to type out an email like that and hit send. How far from reality do these TIMs have to be to write something like that and still believe they're the victim?
They are always remarkably detailed, graphic, and bizarre in their death threats. Who would even dream this stuff up in the first place? Only the trans.
Paula needs to drop that fucker’s email address so we can give him a piece of our mind.
I think it would have been far less time consuming to just write transwomen are men. There was no need to prove it. We all know.
I know a few women who can be mean as mean can be, but no woman talks like that and makes threats like that. We just don't. A woman can be a murderer and she still doesn't talk like that.
That's a man, baby.